Friday 27th September 2019


In English this week we have been planning to write our own set of instructions on ‘How to Brush a Sabre-Toothed Tiger’s Teeth’. Previously the children had generated an array of wonderfully creative ideas to add into their writing, and matched with their warning phrases, verbs and adverbs, the finished product looks set to be very impressive.

In RE we have been looking at the Baptism of Jesus, why we choose to celebrate baptism and the role of Godparents – if possible, talk to your children about their baptism and why you chose their Godparents.

In Maths, we are wrapping up our consolidation of Number and Place Value. The children have mostly conquered key concepts such as 10 and 100 more or less than a given number and learnt strategies on how to accurately place numbers up to 1000 on a numberline.

In terms of homework, please continue to practice spellings and more importantly….. the rule! Remember that children won’t be tested on just the words they take home, they will be tested on their ability to apply the rule to other words. There will be a suffix and prefix spelling test coming up soon.

Moving forward, our new spelling focus is on the ‘ai’ family – is it ‘ai’ ‘a_e’ ‘eigh’ ‘ay’ or ‘ey’? See how many rhyming words you can find with these sounds and then try and spell them applying the correct phoneme.

Our vocabulary words focus on other ways to say ‘and’ – it’s so important that we continue to expose children to high level vocabulary and different ways  of using language and the different contexts in which in can be used. Thank you for your ongoing support with this.

The weather hasn’t been too great this week but hope you all enjoy your weekend.

Team 3

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