Monthly Archives: June, 2019

Fishbourne trip and STEM day

We have had a very busy week again in Year 3.  The weather was perfect for our trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace. Thank you for sending in your children with full water bottles and sunscreen to keep them safe in the Sun.  We had a workshop where the children were able to build bridges, use ancient (replica) artefacts and dress up as Romans for the session.  They thoroughly enjoyed it! We then had chance to explore the museum and the surrounding gardens which are stunning especially on a beautiful day.

Friday the fun continued with our STEM day.  Today we became employees for the research department at LEGO.  The children had various challenges to work on throughout the day such as building a tower out of Lego 1 metre tall; creating a marble maze; building a pyramid at least 15cm tall; and building a bridge to cross a 30cm gap and hold a 1kg weight. The children rose to the challenges and were very successful.  We were particularly impressed with their resilience especially when a challenge seemed quite difficult.

Home learning has been sent home today.  Don’t forget we check and stick in new home learning on a Friday.

Have a lovely time at the St Peter’s Fest and enjoy the sun over the weekend – at last!

Team Three


Nǐ hǎo ! St. Peter’s Carnival 2019


We hope that you have all had a good week so far. This afternoon, the children had a fantastic time at the school carnival! As part of our continental study for our Geography topic, we studied the human and physical Geography of China before making our own set of props for the Olympic-style carnival and showcasing our work to parents:

  • Dragon Head
  • Chinese Lanterns and fans
  • Origami animals
  • Chinese Dance
  • Pastel Art (Chinese Fruits)

It was wonderful to also see the children , as part of today’s non-school uniform day, wear traditional Chinese clothing including hats and kimonos. They also enjoyed a choice of Chinese Noodles and Vegetable Curry, for lunch! Please see the photos of our day, below:



In English, we have been learning about causal conjunctions and how these can be used to explain how a machine works. Year Three have particularly enjoyed designing and inventing their own machines, which shall perform specific jobs in and around their homes. Next week, we look forward to drafting, editing, publishing and evaluating our work. Well done for all of your creative ideas, everyone!

In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division. In particular, we have been learning how to use related number facts and mental strategies such as halving, doubling and ’10 times bigger or smaller’. As the week progressed, the children explored different methods for solving division problems (part-whole and repeated subtraction of groups on a number line) and compared which they felt were more efficient to use. Great use of ‘critical thinking’ skills when discussing your ideas, Year Three!

Next week, we look forward to our school trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace where we shall explore and look at a variety of Roman artefacts. The trip shall take place on Thursday 27th June 2019, please ensure that all permission slips are returned to the office as soon as possible. We also look forward to our STEM day, Reading Passport Awards assembly, as well as our St. Peter’s Summer Festival – these events shall all take place on Friday 28th June 2019.

We hope that you all have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.








Visit to Waterlooville library


We hope that you are well and that you have all had a good week so far.

In English, the children have been working very hard on their newspaper reports about the dragon invasion at St. Peters. At the start of the week, the Year Three showed great commitment and critical thinking skills when drafting, editing and publishing their final pieces of work. On Wednesday, the children walked to Waterlooville library in order to show their work to the library staff and have their news articles put on display for members of the public to see. Both classes also had the opportunity to take part in a series of activities including a library research task, making dragon masks and listening to Dragon stories. We would like to thank all of the parents and staff who helped on the walk to and from the library. Please see photos of our visit below…



In Maths, the children have been learning about statistics. In particular, we have been studying how to interpret and present data through the use of Pictograms. Year Three were able to understand the keys and produce versions of their own that were more efficient. Well done to both classes! We also looked at Pictograms that illustrated ‘half an image’ from the key, then discussed what this meant too. By the end of the week, we successfully created bar graphs using the information provided by tables and Pictograms. Please make sure to check Sumdog for your next piece of Maths home learning.

Just as a reminder, please could reply slips for our Fishbourne Roman palace trip be returned to the school office as soon as possible. If you would like to assist on the day, please contact reception.

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba