Mental Health Awareness Week


We hope that you have all had a good week so far. As part of Mental Health awareness week, the children took part in an assembly which taught them all about the importance of expressing their feelings and listening to others who wish to share their worries or concerns. The children then took part in a Q&A session and were very mature in their responses, having a clear understanding that it is important to see an adult should they seek additional help. On Friday 17th May 2019, Year Three also took part in a Shakespeare drama workshop with a children’s theatre company. They had a fantastic time taking part in games and freeze-frame activities. Please see the photos below…

In Maths, the children have been working on addition and subtraction. They have shown true commitment when solving a series of Dragon problems by using an expanded column method. We were impressed by the children’s use of multiple representations (bar model, part-part whole model, pictures and number lines) to demonstrate their understanding of each number sentence at a deeper level. Well done Year Three! As the week progressed, the children then had an opportunity to work in groups through a series of carousel activities about equivalent fractions and fractions of an amount. This revision session enabled the children to engage in various tasks (dominoes, flash cards, equivalence bars, fraction walls) that involved the addition and subtraction of fractions. Please see the photos below…

In English, the children have been learning about newspaper articles and have been learning about the purpose, audience and layout of particular newspaper reports. During the week, the children were given the opportunity to explore a range of news articles, to identify which features had been used in order to provide more information to the reader. Particular features we have been learning about (that add detail to an article) include headlines, subheadings, by-lines, captions, introductions, conclusions and contact details. The children particularly enjoyed working in table groups to see which features they could find. Please see the photos below…

Next week, we are looking forward to celebrating our Easter service at Sacred Heart church on Tuesday 21st May 2019. If you would like to join our walk to the church, we would be very grateful! Please contact the school office.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba

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