History Week

This week the focus has been on remembering all who made sacrifices during the First World War.  Year 3 took part in a range of activities across the week including: Making glitter poppies, creating poems, writing letters home from soldiers and creating a poster to encourage new recruits to sign up to join in the war effort.  The children’s outcomes have been very impressive indeed.  Many children are proud to be part of up coming parades over the weekend and we look forward to hearing about how these go.

In Maths, we have been looking at measure.  so far we have been learning to master using a ruler to measure to the nearest mm and we have started conversion between the cm and mm.  We moved onto created a ‘Woolly Mammoth Potion’ in which children had the opportunity to measure out ‘juice’ that would make any poorly Woolly Mammoths feel better.  Next week we will be developing our understanding of reading scales and so any practise over the weekend would be valuable in achieving this.  In English, we have started our work on setting descriptions.  We have been looking at a portrait and justifying our word choices in relation to the picture.  We have explored words such as turbulent, torrential, briny, engulfed and stagnant.

Spellings: Next week we will be learning about the prefix ‘re’ and ‘mis’  What words do you already know? Are there any from the dictionary that you don’t yet know how to spell? Can you make a spelling scribble to practise any that you don’t yet know? Maybe you could write each word as a command? Could you go on a prefix hunt? What words can you find in your books or in newspapers?

Have a super weekend and hopefully get some rest too.

Year 3 Team

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