Monthly Archives: November, 2018

This week, we have continued to apply our new skill of reading scales to the context of statistics.  We have been interpreting pictograms and bar charts and answering questions such as ‘how many more goals did Manchester United score than Liverpool last season?’ Or probably the more apt questions, ‘how many fewer goals have Manchester United scored than Manchester City this season?’ It hasn’t all been about football statistics though. We have looked at statistics relating to gold medals from the Olympics, traffic surveys and even ice cream data.  We moved onto ‘telling the time’ in the latter part of the week.  We will continue to learn to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes after the weekend.

During our English lessons this week, we have been writing setting descriptions.  Watch this space for some of the published writing appearing on this blog very soon.  In the meantime, we plan to share our writing with the Year 1 children next week.  The children have worked very hard planning, editing and publishing a description to match a stormy sea scene.

We will be starting our Sustainability unit next week.  This will involved looking at ways that we can contribute to the sustainability of the world through our actions relating to light.  We will be looking at ways that we can save electricity, we will be exploring light pollution as well as looking at some photographs from space which further illustrate the most lit up areas in the world. It is a very exciting unit.  We have now finished our Stone Age to the Iron Age project and so we will be looking for a date shortly to invite parents, grandparents and carers in after school so the children can share their work with you. Date to be confirmed!

Have a super restful weekend  Keep warm and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Team Year 3!

Anti Bullying Week

This week, we started to think about Anti-bullying week – this will continue into the next week.  We kicked off the week with the Odd Socks day.  The children really enjoyed parading their odd socks around the school grounds.  We designed our own odd socks and began to think about what bullying means to us.

In Maths this week, we have had a big focus on reading scales to the nearest half interval.  For example, if the scale is going up in 100’s, we thought about halving this amount so we’d know the value of the intervals.  Some children moved onto scales which had 4 intervals between the values on the scale.  This was really tough and all of the children showed great resilience towards their learning and are beginning to master this concept.  We will be building on this skill next week when we will be reading and interpreting statistics! Also next week – Time! Can you practise reading the time over the weekend in preparation for this next unit in the later stages of next week?

We have continued our short unit on descriptive writing this week.  We had the opportunity to collect adjectives and powerful phrases during our multi – sensory lesson.  We explored the 5 senses through a carousal of activities including: smelling seaweed; listening to beach noises; feeling shells and fossils; and listening closely to the seashells amongst other activities.

Spellings – this week we are continuing our focus on the ‘re-‘ and ‘mis-‘ prefix. The newest spelling homework was sent home with all the children today.  As a Year 3 team, we are so impressed with the standard of homework this year so far and wish to pass on thanks to all for supporting your children with the activities that they are set.

Happy weekend to all and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning for another week of learning.

Team Year 3

History Week

This week the focus has been on remembering all who made sacrifices during the First World War.  Year 3 took part in a range of activities across the week including: Making glitter poppies, creating poems, writing letters home from soldiers and creating a poster to encourage new recruits to sign up to join in the war effort.  The children’s outcomes have been very impressive indeed.  Many children are proud to be part of up coming parades over the weekend and we look forward to hearing about how these go.

In Maths, we have been looking at measure.  so far we have been learning to master using a ruler to measure to the nearest mm and we have started conversion between the cm and mm.  We moved onto created a ‘Woolly Mammoth Potion’ in which children had the opportunity to measure out ‘juice’ that would make any poorly Woolly Mammoths feel better.  Next week we will be developing our understanding of reading scales and so any practise over the weekend would be valuable in achieving this.  In English, we have started our work on setting descriptions.  We have been looking at a portrait and justifying our word choices in relation to the picture.  We have explored words such as turbulent, torrential, briny, engulfed and stagnant.

Spellings: Next week we will be learning about the prefix ‘re’ and ‘mis’  What words do you already know? Are there any from the dictionary that you don’t yet know how to spell? Can you make a spelling scribble to practise any that you don’t yet know? Maybe you could write each word as a command? Could you go on a prefix hunt? What words can you find in your books or in newspapers?

Have a super weekend and hopefully get some rest too.

Year 3 Team


We hope that you have all had a good week so far.

This week, the children have been drafting and editing their persuasive adverts. We have been very impressed by the children’s use of various sentence types as well as by their powerful vocabulary choices. Our next step is to publish and evaluate our persuasive adverts, before we present them to the Headteacher to see which pupil from each class has won the Year 3 competition for a Woolly Mammoth class mascot!

In Maths, we have started learning about fractions. More specifically, we have been counting up and down in tenths using Numicon to help us cross boundaries into the next ‘whole’ (e.g. 10/10 + 1/10 = 1 and 1/10). The children also enjoyed using fraction walls and number lines to support their learning when solving fraction problems that had involved both addition and subtraction. As the week progressed, both classes were also taught how to identify unit fractions of amounts (e.g. 1/4 of 12) by using bar models, counters and times table facts.

Next week, we look forward to our History Week where we shall be creating poems, poppies, music and more as part of our learning on WW1 and Remembrance. Our work shall then be presented to the rest of the school during a History assembly on Friday 9th November 2018. We would also like to inform you that Year 3 and Year 4 shall be taking part in a Mass at Sacred Heart church on Tuesday 13th November 2018 – we look forward to seeing you all there!

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Sumba.