Summer sun…


We hope you have all had a good week and that you are looking forward to the St Peter’s festival on Friday 29th June 2018.

This week, the children have been drafting, editing, publishing and evaluating their own Healthy Eating stories. In particular, Year Three enjoyed reading their stories to Year One children who then gave them feedback on their excellent choice of adjectives! On Friday, the children were given an opportunity to self-assess their stories and then peer-review them using ‘2 stars and 1 wish’. We were delighted at both the quality and quantity of the children’s writing. Well done, Year Three! Next week, we look forward to learning about Explanation Texts.

In Maths, both classes have taken part in a range of addition and subtraction problems. We have encouraged the children to prove their understanding of the challenge problems set, through solving them in a variety of ways and providing a written response (reasoning) to explain how they reached their own answers. Both classes have also focused upon Times Table facts – please ensure your child completes the Maths challenge of ‘look, cover, write, check’ in their Home Learning diary.

We hope you all have an excellent weekend in the sunshine,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Stewart.

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