Monthly Archives: May, 2018

Half term


We hope you have all had a pleasant week and that you have managed to avoid the recent showers!

This week, we have been using Pie Corbett to rehearse and perform an information text about Storm Unicorns. The children used props and actions in order to show their understanding of the key words used. Using the WAGOLL example as a guide, we then innovated the text in order to draft and edit our own Dragon information pages for the Science labs at Oaklands. After half term, we look forward to moving on to our new topic of learning, Healthy Eating. We shall be writing a narrative to teach other children about the importance of a balanced diet.

In Maths, we have been learning how to multiply and divide by 10. We then applied our learning in partner groups, when measuring objects around the room and converting our readings between centimetres and millimetres. After half term, we look forward to learning about Measure in further depth, beginning with Capacity (ml and L). During the holidays, look out for different types of measurement and be ready to report back to class when you return to school – did you measure ingredients for a cake, or read along the scale when measuring liquid in a watering can?

Please refer your child(ren) to the Home Learning sticker in their homework diaries – the activity shall enable the children to consider what Sacraments are as well as why they are important.

We hope you all have a relaxing break and look forward to seeing you after the holidays. Well done to those who have made excellent Dragon models for their topic work this term – photos to follow soon!

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Stewart.


The Royal Wedding


We hope you have all had a good week so far.

In English, we have been learning how to add detail to our information pages through the use of subordinating conjunctions and fronted adverbials. We then looked at an example of a Unicorn information page and worked  in groups to perform each paragraph to our peers and discuss the meaning of key vocabulary that had been used. It was great to see the children using actions and changing their tone of voice so as to show their understanding of the text. Well done Year Three!

In Maths, we have continued to learn how to use bar models to calculate fractions of an amount. The children were then given an opportunity to solve ‘Would you rather?’ comparison questions. Towards the end of the week, we started to look at how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator – both classes enjoyed competing a series of visual, number line and pyramid challenges.

We hope you all have a great weekend.

Enjoy the Royal Wedding!

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Stewart.

Dragon experts!


We hope you have all had a pleasant week and that you have enjoyed the lovely sunshine.

In English, the children have evaluated their Dragon Newspaper reports. They worked with a partner to decide what went well and what could be improved next time. This was a powerful reflection as it enabled the children to revisit their work, celebrate their achievements then create their own personal targets. As the week progressed, we started our new unit on Dragon Information Pages. Through our learning across English and Guided Reading, we discussed a range of key features within the following information texts: Dragon websites, non-fiction books, radio transcripts and nature documentaries.

In Maths, Year Three have continued their learning on Fractions. With the support of counters, bar models and times table facts, the children were successful in calculating both unit (e.g. 1/4) and non-unit (e.g. 3/4) fractions of amounts. By the end of the week, we applied our learning to solve a variety of tricky comparison problems – for example, ‘Would you prefer 3/4 of 20 sweets, or 4/10 of them?’ We were very impressed by the children’s ability to explain their reasoning through written sentences, bar models and pictorial responses. Well done, Year Three!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Stewart.

Month of Mary


We hope you have all had a great week and that you have been enjoying the sunshine as we near closer to the Bank Holiday weekend.

In English, the children have been learning how to draft, edit and publish a newspaper report. We have studied the different features within and across newspapers, before creating our very own Dragon Newspaper article. Next week, we look forward to learning more about Dragons and how to use technical vocabulary to describe their anatomical features. We shall then begin to look at different forms of Dragon information pages, including radio podcasts, articles on websites, as well as posters.

In Maths, Year Three have been working on fractions. In particular, they have been learning about fractions as being equal parts of a whole. We have also been building our own fraction walls and using them to spot patterns between numerators and denominators, for equivalent fractions. As ever, please ensure that your child completes the Maths challenge sticker in their Home Learning diaries – this shall be collected on Friday 11th May 2018.

This week, Year Three and Year Four enjoyed their visit to Sacred Heart Church. We took part in Mass and celebrated the beginning of the month of Mary.

We look forward to seeing you next week,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Stewart