Welcome back…


We hope that you all had a wonderful half term holidays and that you have returned for the second Spring term feeling refreshed. This week, the children have begun a new set of units across their curricular learning…

In English, as part of our topic learning, the children have been looking at Roman diaries. In particular, we have been studying the diary of a Greek slave who was captured and sold in Rome. The children have found her story fascinating and have enjoyed taking part in role-play and drama to re-enact parts of the diary through freeze frames. Next week, both classes shall write their own narratives before enhancing their descriptions through fronted adverbials of time, place, manner and degree.

In Maths, Year Three have been exploring fractions. At the beginning of the week, the pupils took part in a range of practical activities that involved different representations of unit and non-unit fractions. The children then worked on shape problems before looking at fractions of amounts of objects e.g. 1/2 of 8 flowers. It has been excellent to see the children using concrete resources and pictorial representations when learning about fractions as equal parts of a whole. Well done Year Three!

Thank you to both classes for the commitment they have shown for Home Learning – we look forward to seeing more work on the Romans next Friday.

We hope you all have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

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