Monthly Archives: January, 2018



We hope you have all had a pleasant week.

This week, the children have shown an exceptional level of commitment when given a range of challenging problems to solve across their curricular learning…

In English, Year Three have drafted, edited and published their Rainforest information leaflets. We were impressed by the selection and variety of features, facts and key words that were used by the children in order to present information to their audience (visitors of London Zoo). Well done Year Three! Next week, we look forward to continuing our topic learning on The Rainforest, through class debates and persuasive letters based upon Deforestation.

In Maths, both classes have continued to work hard on their learning of subtraction. In particular, the children have enjoyed using Place Value tools (diennes, arrow cards and place value counters) to support them in their use of formal written methods (number lines and columnar subtraction). We were delighted to see the children solving problems that required one and/or two exchanges, through the use of the aforementioned Place Value tools. Great work Year Three! Next week, we shall revisit our learning on Multiplication and Division – we look forward to using concrete resources and arrays to explore these Mathematical operations.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

Busy bees…


This week, the children have taken part in group and partner work as part of their cross-curricular learning. On Monday, the children particularly enjoyed our Deep Learning day on ‘Fixed and Growth Mindsets’. It was fantastic to hear both classes sharing and comparing their ideas. On Tuesday, both year groups worked together to sing and read during the Y3/4 school Mass. Great collaboration Year Three, well done!

In English, the children have been learning about the key features of a Rainforest information leaflet. They are able to identify the key features and explain their purpose and effectiveness. Having studied lots of real life examples of zoo and wildlife park leaflets, the children were able to create a detailed plan for their own Rainforest leaflet. We look forward to drafting, editing and publishing our factual information next week.

In Maths, Year Three have made excellent progress in their use of diennes, place value counters and addition grids, to accurately add together three digit numbers. The children have enjoyed learning how to carry ones and tens, when necessary, as well as how to apply their knowledge of addition and place value in order to solve a series of challenging ‘missing number’ and ‘spot the mistake’ problems. Next week, we look forward to learning about the subtraction of 3 digit numbers.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.


Welcome back!

Happy New Year!

We hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas break, and would like to welcome you all back to school for the Spring Term. The children have had a busy week full of challenges and success across the curriculum.

In English, Year 3 have been excited to begin their new topic of learning on The Rainforest. This week, both classes have been exploring the Rainforest through a series of sound clips, animal documentaries and group jigsaw activities. It has been brilliant to see the children apply the key words and animal names they have learned, across a series of compound and complex sentences. Well done Year 3! Next week, we look forward to looking at some real life examples of Rainforest information leaflets, before planning and drafting our own for visitors of London Zoo.

In Maths, the children have been continuing their learning on addition and subtraction. We have focused upon solving a series of numerical and written problems, through the use of Maths tool kits including diennes, arrow cards and place value counters. We would like to congratulate both classes for the commitment and perseverance they have demonstrated, particular across challenging mastery tasks and ‘estimation’ games. Next week, we look forward to embedding our knowledge and skills across number and place value, especially within the context of addition and subtraction.

We would just like to takes this opportunity to remind all parents of the recent changes to Home Learning, the details of which are all listed within the school letters distributed among the children at the beginning of the Spring Term.  Please ensure that your child regularly logs on to their online learning: Sumdog (Maths) and Active Learn (Bug Club), for which tasks are regularly updated to promote challenge and progress. Both classes have also been given a Poetry Performance booklet – each child is required to select their favourite poem and rehearse it regularly at home so that it is ready to recite at the end of the term.

We hope you have all had a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.