Another week closer to Christmas!

Another week has come to an end – there was even a mention of Christmas this week!

In maths this week children have been using their knowledge of place value and addition and subtraction to find half of a number and double of a number. They were generating their own numbers with dice and working in pairs with diennes to find the answer. In a game on Wednesday children decided on a target number and then had to decide whether to double or halve a number rolled on dice to reach the target number. We have also been practising the four times table, counting in 50s and 100s and adding 10 and 100 to numbers.

In English we have been looking at setting descriptions and have been thrilled with the development of the children’s use of spoken and written vocabulary. Next week we would like the children not only to bring their home school reading books to school but any books from home that they may also be reading. We are hoping that they can inspire others to develop their enthusiasm and excitement for reading.

Have a restful weekend,

Mrs Luter

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