Monthly Archives: July, 2017

Challenge and change…


This week, the children have shown commitment and collaboration across their learning. In English, Year Three have started to learn about their new healthy eating text, ‘Sweet Tooth’. The children have really enjoyed identifying the key skills involved in producing an entertaining narrative, and have successfully applied these skills within their sentence work. Next week, we look forward to planning, drafting and editing our own Healthy Eating fiction stories.

In Maths, the children have continued to work together across a set of problem solving activities. They have enjoyed converting units of measure and using Maths toolkits as well as formal written methods in order to solve a variety of one-step and multi-step problems. Next week, Year Three shall apply what they have learned about mathematical operations, vocabulary and methods when solving a range of ‘real world’ measure challenges.

We hope you all have an excellent weekend – just a reminder that next week shall be the final opportunity for students to hand in their Healthy Eating topic work for Home Learning, should they wish to share the work they have produced in class.

See you on Monday,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.

Practical Learning…


We hope you are all enjoying the wonderful weather.

This week, the children have enjoyed a range of practical and ‘real life’ experiences across the curriculum. On Thursday 6th July, Year Three took part in a Healthy Eating visit to Oaklands Catholic School. Across the day, the children worked in teams to produce a healthy 3 course meal that they served to their parents after school. The trip was a brilliant success and we would like to thank all members of staff who volunteered as well as all parents for their support of the children after school. Please see the photos below…

cooking day 7

cooking day 6

cooking day 5

cooking day 4

cooking day 3

cooking day 2

cooking day 1

The children have also enjoyed learning through practical experiences in other subjects. For example, in Maths, they have measured and compared mass, capacity and length through measuring sand (g and Kg), water (ml and L) as well as lengths of string (mm, cm and m) in the school playground. Both classes enjoyed working in groups to carry out measurements from their challenge cards. Please see the photos below…

measures 11

measures 8

measures 7

measures 6

measures 5

measures 4

measures 3

In English, the children have continued their work towards their Healthy Eating topic. Both classes have now produced their own persuasive and engaging letter about Healthy Eating. The children also enjoyed writing their own Thank You letters, to the teachers who had led the Year 3 cooking activities at Oaklands Catholic School.


We hope you all have an excellent weekend,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.

Mastery learning and reasoning…


We hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

This week, the children have taken part in a variety of activities that have enabled them to broaden and deepen their knowledge across the Year Three curriculum. In Maths, the children have been exploring the four operations – they have worked in teams to successfully identify the links between operations, mathematical vocabulary as well as the formal written methods that may be used across their workings in Maths. Towards the end of the week, the children were given the opportunity to apply their knowledge by explaining the decisions they had made when interpreting a variety of one-step and two-step word problems. Please see the photos below…

maths reasoning 5     maths reasoning 4

maths reasoning 3     maths reasoning 2

maths reasoning 1

In English, we have continued to work towards our new ‘Healthy Eating’ topic. The children were shown a persuasive speech and letter, written by Jamie Oliver, which promoted the importance of healthy and balanced diets for children. During the week, Year Three wrote their own persuasive letters to encourage a healthier lifestyle amongst younger children – this activity enabled both classes to successfully apply their knowledge of conjunctions, rhetorical questions as well as nutritional vocabulary.

We look forward to seeing you next week,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin