Summer Term



This week, the children have been enjoying their work on ‘Healthy Eating’ across the curriculum. For English, Year 3 have been starting to learn about the picture and story book, Doug Lugg Boy Slug, by Peter Bently. In pairs, the children participated in role play and generated a piece of dialogue for their own version of the healthy eating story. They also worked as a team to produce a class word bank filled with a rich variety of verbs, adverbs and expanded noun phrases. Year 3 have produced a selection of engaging character descriptions and dialogues. Well done Year Three!


In Maths, the children have continued their cross-curricular work for our new ‘Healthy Eating’ topic. For instance, they have been learning how to represent fractions and decimals on hundred squares and identify the following: tenths, hundredths, equivalence and ‘equal parts of a whole’. Year Three have enjoyed calculating the size of different farmers’ vegetable patches  (e.g. ‘0.1 of a field is filled with fresh carrots, 2/10 of the field is being used to grow sprouts – how much of the field is being used altogether?’). We were very impressed by the children’s use of problem solving and reasoning during these tasks.


On Thursday, the children enjoyed their PDL session on British Values. Having watched a series of news reports on CBBC’s Newsround, the children were then able to share ideas during group activities and later participate in a class Q and A session about recent events in the UK. The children produced a beautiful display about Mutual Respect and made collages to represent their own cultural identity, along with speech bubbles containing prayers for the victims of the Manchester and London attacks. Photos to follow in next week’s blog post!


We look forward to seeing you all next week,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.


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