The Romans


This week the children have enjoyed a wide variety of Roman challenges across the curriculum.

In English, the children watched Boudicca’s battle speech and then explored a variety of persuasive techniques including exclamation sentences and rhetorical questions. Towards the end of the week, they planned and drafted their own version of Boudicca’s speech. Well done Year Three for producing lots of engaging and persuasive writing!

In Maths, the children have continued to work on addition and subtraction. Specifically, the children were taught how to check the size of their answers and whether or not they had been reasonable (be it through rounding numbers to estimate, or using the inverse to check their answers). Year 3 showed commitment, determination and success when they were given some challenging Roman Maths problems to solve.

We are delighted to see that so many of the children have been excited by their Roman Topic. This is clear to see from some of the detailed and creative Home Learning that has been produced so far…

roman home learning

We look forward to seeing you next week. Please see the link below for our weekly RE newsletter.


Wishing you all a brilliant weekend.

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin.

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