Monthly Archives: December, 2016

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!


We would just like to congratulate all of the Year 3 children for their exceptional behaviour and commitment to learning, not only during the final week before the Christmas holidays but throughout the entire Autumn term. They have made us all very proud!

During the last week of term, the children enjoyed drafting and editing their own Winter poems, before performing them to Year One during the last day of school. It was a great opportunity for the children to entertain one another as well as to share comments and feedback on their performances.

In Maths, the children had fun learning about angles and shapes. By the end of the week, they were able to use shape mats as well as videos to help with their creation of 3D shapes from modelling clay (which no doubt have become some lovely tree decorations at home!).

In January, we look forward to introducing the children to their new topic, The Rainforest. If the children have anything they would like to bring to school in January – be it for show and tell or for classroom display – they are more than welcome to do so. Here are some examples…


Biome shoe box

Biome shoe box

Rainforest canopy

Rainforest canopy

Rainforest in a jar

Rainforest in a jar

Rainforest painting

Rainforest painting


We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing break.

Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2017,

Miss Honeywell and Mrs Chelu


Getting ready for Christmas


It has been a busy week but we are very impressed with how the children have conducted themselves.  In addition to our Christmas preparations, the children have continued to work hard across all curriculum subjects.

In English, Year Three have performed poetry to their class and had the opportunity to evaluate their own and one another’s performances. They have explored a range of poetry and are now familiar with a wide variety of poetic features. Next week, we look forward to working with the children as they produce their own Winter poems then perform them to Year One!

In Maths, we have been exploring mass and capacity. The children were able to help with preparations for the Christmas meal, by measuring ingredients (g and kg) and liquids (ml and L). Next week, we look forward to learning about geometry, including angles and 3D shapes. Can the children spot any 3D shapes or right angles at home this weekend?

We would like to thank the children for their excellent performances in the KS2 Advent and carol services. Their behaviour walking to and from the church was outstanding, and has even been recognised by members of the public who they had passed en route. Likewise, Year Three have set a good example to other students throughout the course of 6C day – well done to everybody who ran a mile to raise money for the Hants and IOW Air Ambulance.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Miss Honeywell and Mrs Chelu

A creative week in Year Three!


We hope you are all having a lovely weekend.

This week, the children have had lots of opportunities to show us their creativity across a wide range of subjects…

In English, we have been working hard to complete our scary stories. We are very impressed by the exciting word choices and sentences types that the children have been applying to their own writing. The stories are very entertaining to read, well done Year Three!

In Science – as part of our Rocks and Fossils unit – the children explored the Nature Trail and analysed their own soil samples. Towards the end of the week, Year Three have enjoyed making and then evaluating their own fossils. Thank you to those who have brought in some precious stones as part of their home learning – we have enjoyed looking at them closely under the class visualizer!

In Maths, the children have been subtracting amounts of money, using the expanded column method. They have shown a lot of commitment throughout their learning, especially when given some tricky word problems. Perhaps the children could practise using the expanded column method this weekend, to work out how much change they will receive if they are out Christmas shopping!

We look forward to seeing you soon,

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin