Stone Age fun!

This week, the children have enjoyed exploring their Stone Age topic in further depth.

On Tuesday 11th October, Year Three were lucky enough to have a visitor from Butser Ancient Farm. During this activity, the children were very excited to learn fun facts about the Stone Age and even handle some of the ancient artefacts. The children have been very engaged across the course of our Stone Age topic – this has been reflected by some of the excellent home learning that they have worked hard to produce. Thank you to all parents who have supported their children in these projects. Photos of the visit and home learning can be seen below…

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In Maths this week, the children have been learning about fractions. In particular we have worked on finding fractions of amounts (e.g. what is half of ten coins?) and shall continue to do so next week. A good home activity to try is to give the children a set of objects from around the house and split them between 2 or 4 hula hoops (in order to calculate halves or quarters of a full set of objects).

In English this week, the children have enjoyed reading Clive King’s Stig of the Dump as part of their latest unit of work (i.e. descriptive writing and narrative). After spending some time at our Nature Trail, the children have produced some brilliant descriptions of the chalk pit from Stig of the Dump. We have been very impressed by the children’s use of adjectives and sensory detail in their writing. Perhaps the children could go on a short walk this weekend, to look around their local environment and find some inspiration for further descriptive writing.

We hope you have a great weekend of learning!

Kind regards

Miss Honeywell and Mr Austin



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