Monthly Archives: March, 2016

Fantastic Friday

Wow, what a busy Friday we have had today in Year Three!

This morning, we all went over to Oaklands in groups to plant a variety of seeds in their vegetable patch and green house. Year Three and some children at Oaklands are going to take good care of the seeds to help them grow into some yummy vegetables. We would love to cook for our parents, using these ingredients we have grown, during our healthy living topic in the summer term.

After a whole morning of science, it was time for a historical afternoon. Again going over to Oaklands, we were lucky enough to be taught by Mrs Masson (Joshua’s mum!) and her history club. They set up SIX activities all based on the Romans for us to learn from. We learnt about Roman fashion, made mosaics, taught to speak Latin, ate Roman food and more,  it was amazing! The children learnt so much from the Oaklands students.

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Oaklands involved in our wonderful day of learning!

Due to such a busy day, we didn’t manage to look at everyone’s homelearning- you have an extra two days to complete any homelearning Year Three and we will share homelearning on Monday afternoon next week. If today inspired you- you create a piece of home learning based on it!

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New life

In RE Year Three have been focusing on the significance of new life during Lent. In our last RE lesson we remembered there was new life in the school- chicks in reception!

We were lucky enough to go down and meet the new additions to the school- Miss Shaw was able to hold a chick born yesterday. Another chick had hatched an hour before we got there!

I wonder what other signs of new Year Three can find in their own homes/gardens/areas?


A visit from the banana farmer

Today, Year 3 went to Oakland’s to see a banana farmer and he told the classes about how his life is going. He talked in a Spanish language and he had an assistant to speaking in English to us and Oakland’s children! The banana worker told us there was a hurricane in their country .The couple also showed a power point about their life in Columbia. They told us about why Fairtrade is so important.       By Madeleine and Nathan.

Fairtrade Farmer

Today all of Year Three were lucky enough to go over to Oaklands to meet a Fairtrade farmer. He taught us about how he works and his life. His life was difficult before Fairtrade .He had a hurricane that  destroyed his farm. Fairtrade helped him and helped his life . He lives in Columbia and he grows bananas .  Fairtrade helped him with his children to go to school, have uniform, kit and eat properly in his life. They also helped him buy chickens and cows.banana-split

If banana growers are not part of Fairtrade, we were shocked to hear that the person who sold the bananas got the most amount of money!!! The people that worked and grew the bananas got least amount of money!!!

This is not fair! Everyone needs to buy fairtrade food, to help other children and families who deserve the correct amount of money for their hard work.

By Alicia.R , Tia ,Cecilia Crocker , Joshua.Hunter