What an incredible day we have had at Staunton!

We started our day with a guided tour around the tropical Rainforest.  We experienced what it feels like to be in the Rainforest through being surrounded by plants, listening to the various animal noises, and feeling the humidity.  We acted out being a Rainforest and some of us even designed our own plants.  Next, we had the opportunity to meet a cane toad – it was huge! But luckily it didn’t jump.  We watched it being fed and were amazed at the speed with which the tongue gobbled up the food.  We also met some friendly millipedes and some energetic cockroaches! We all enjoyed this very much.

After lunch, we went out to explore the farm. Most of us were luckily enough to go and see the butterfly house, we had the opportunity to do some spray painting and of course we took some time to play in the play areas.  There were plenty of animals out and about including piglets, cows, sheep and goats.

We all arrived back at school very sleepy and looking forward to a well earned rest.  The children were beautifully behaved and perfectly represented the school.  Thank you to all the adult helpers that joined us on the trip – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Mrs Stewart 🙂