Monthly Archives: February, 2016

Home learning

In Year Three we have started our new topic for this half term- THE ROMANS!

Below is a link to the new Roman homework pyramid, full of ideas to inspire the children’s homelearning.

Of course if the children have their own ideas for homelearning around our Roman topic then that would be wonderful!

We can not wait to see what amazing things the children create and find- we can see how much they love this topic already.

Remember we share our homelearning on a Friday afternoon.

Miss Shaw and Mrs Stewart

Bloom’s HL Romans – Copy

Park Ranger visit

On Tuesday, we had a Park Ranger from Staunton visit us at school – Steve Peach.  He talked to us about the layers of the Rainforest, the people and tribes that you find in the rainforest, and the dangers facing the Rainforest including deforestation.  He also shared some of his experiences from his trips to the African Rainforests.  We were lucky enough to touch some items that he has bought back from the Rainforest over the years including a hat made of bark, coffee beans and musical instruments!!

It was inspiring to listen to Steve talk so passionately about the Rainforest and our responsibility in protecting it.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and asked some excellent questions to Steve about his experiences.

Year Three Team!


What an incredible day we have had at Staunton!

We started our day with a guided tour around the tropical Rainforest.  We experienced what it feels like to be in the Rainforest through being surrounded by plants, listening to the various animal noises, and feeling the humidity.  We acted out being a Rainforest and some of us even designed our own plants.  Next, we had the opportunity to meet a cane toad – it was huge! But luckily it didn’t jump.  We watched it being fed and were amazed at the speed with which the tongue gobbled up the food.  We also met some friendly millipedes and some energetic cockroaches! We all enjoyed this very much.

After lunch, we went out to explore the farm. Most of us were luckily enough to go and see the butterfly house, we had the opportunity to do some spray painting and of course we took some time to play in the play areas.  There were plenty of animals out and about including piglets, cows, sheep and goats.

We all arrived back at school very sleepy and looking forward to a well earned rest.  The children were beautifully behaved and perfectly represented the school.  Thank you to all the adult helpers that joined us on the trip – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Mrs Stewart 🙂

3Sh visit to Staunton

Miss Shaw’s class had a fantastic and not too wet day at Staunton country park today.

As you know our current topic is the Rainforest, our school budget could not fly us over to the Amazon rainforest (sadly) but Staunton’s tropical house was a very close second option.

3Sh created the layers of the Rainforest using their heights and discussed all of the different plants found in the rainforest and how they are adapted to their habitat. We even had a chance to create our own plant that could survive living in the rainforest!

We then went to the class room and got to hold various creatures found in the rainforest, such as giant snails, a millipede and Madagascan cockroaches!

After lunch we were lucky enough to be one of the first classes this year to go into the butterfly house- they were beautiful and we found out lots of facts about them.

Thank you to everyone who helped on the trip today, we hope you had as much fun as we did! Here are some pictures of the trip for you all to enjoy.

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