Monthly Archives: January, 2016

Staunton Country Park

Dear Parents,

Next week is our trip to Staunton Country Park. Please be advised that the site is likely to be wet and muddy as a result of the recent weather. The children may wear old, warm trousers and wellington boots/old trainers which they don’t mind getting muddy. We will, where possible, avoid the puddles and mud.

Thank you for all the offers of help for this trip.  We have been very well supported and send our appreciation.

Year 3 team

A rather interesting visitor…

Today in Year Three unexpectedly we has a rather large visitor- a goliath bird eating spider, these spiders live in the Amazon Rainforest!

However it was only its skin! Like snakes and lizards, some spiders also shed their skin when they are growing- it looked just like the real thing. It was extremely hairy and it even had its fangs  still.

Thank you Mrs D for bringing it in to show us- we had lots of questions for Mrs D about this particular spider, but she couldn’t answer them all. If you are interested in finding out more about this creature you can do some research for home learning and put this into your green book.


Welcome back Year Three


We hope you have all had a lovely and restful Christmas, the children settled back into routine nicely this first week back and have all been eager to start our next topic-



The new homework pyramid has been sent out today and we are excited to see what this inspires the children to make/do/learn in their home learning books.

For blog - rainforest

The children’s spellings have also been sent home this week, stuck into their green home learning books too.

Remember to keep practicing the times tables as this is tested every Monday.

We are looking forward to all the learning we will be doing together this term Year Three,

Miss Shaw and Mrs Stewart