Our first week……..

The first week has come to an end in Year Three and we have really enjoyed being back together again. Children have now been provided with their homework diaries to record their homework in and their work book. Their new Stone Age to the Iron Age homework pyramid has been stuck into the front of these too.

We will be kicking off next week with our trips to Butser Ancient farm- 3ST will be going on Monday and 3SH will be going on Tuesday. Please ensure children are provided with a packed lunch and water bottle for the day. The site is predominantly outside so please provide the children with appropriate clothing for the weather e.g wellies, trainers, rain coats, sun hats (too optimistic!) If you are yet to return your slip PLEASE may these be returned by Monday morning at the latest.  Butser is a fantastic venue for us to have a hands on experience of what it was like to live in the Stone Age to the Iron age period of time.

Look out for next weeks post of photos of us learning at Butser.

Year 3 team