Monthly Archives: July, 2015

Holy Communion

A big congratulations to all of our lovely Year Three’s taking their first Holy communion in various churches over these last few weeks. It is such a special time for you all and we have loved looking at your pictures and wonderful presents- please continue to share them.

Mrs Stewart thought you were very smartly dressed and really enjoyed sharing your first Holy Communion with some of you on Saturday at Sacred Heart, Waterlooville. Miss Shaw is looking forward to seeing the rest of you on the 18th July at Scared Heart on your special day.


Year three’s orienteering trip

Last Monday, we were lucky enough to go to Staunton country park orienteering! There were a few children in Year Three that got to go in the afternoon.

When we got there in our mini bus we sat on the grass and we got told what to do.

We got a map for our group so we know where we were going. It was super hard, luckily we had a grown up to help us, we had Mrs Spicer for 3s and Mrs Moore for 3st.

It  was an amazing day,   we had lots of  fun there. We were 4 minutes late because someone was too slow (Harriet) but we got 143 points in the end. We were 4th, we didn’t get a medal but we got a certificate in golden leaf assembly.

Harriet and Aimee

Home learning ideas…

Are you stuck for ideas for home learning this week?

Literacy: I’m Literacy, we have been creating a website for a new Roman archaeological site using powerpoint. Could you create an information leaflet for your own site. Maybe you might want to create a museum? Or a theme park? There will be an invite for parents to come and see the ‘websites’ that children are creating using powerpoint.

Maths: We have been practising our division skills this week linked with the Wimbledon tournament which has now begun.  For example: If I had 324 tennis balls to be boxed into packets containing three tennis ball, how many packets will I need to fit all of the tennis balls?

Home learning: Bug club and Abacus Maths

What else could I do? How about researching more information about Wimbledon? Or finding out about Ramadan? Could you write a recount about what you are did on INSET day?

Keep safe in the sun – Slip, Slop, Slap (hats, suncream and plenty of water)


Year 3 Team!