Welcome back Year 3

Welcome back. We hope that everyone had a restful half term. We have lots coming up this half term, some of which is detailed below:

This Friday, 27th February 2015, is 3T class assembly. The theme for the assembly will be the Rainforest. There are no specific outfits needed. The children suggested wearing browns, greens, blacks etc. We look forward to seeing you there!

Then, on friday afternoon the Year 3 and Year 4 children will be having a talent show in the hall.  This will be to raise money for CAFOD during Lent.  The children are being asked to make a donation to attend the talent show. Any donation is welcomed! This is an event for the children only.

We are starting our new topic as of new week which will be all about healthy living. The homework pyramid will be coming home at the beginning of next week.

On Tuesday 3rd March 2015, the year 3 children will be going to Staunton Country Park to learn about where food comes from. The children will need to wear suitable footwear (wellies preferably); a waterproof coat; and we are happy for children to wear their own trousers but they must wear their school jumpers. Pease ensure that the children bring their lunch in a labelled bag so it can be disposed of.

On Thursday 5th March 2015, it will be World Book day.  The children can dress up as their favourite character. They will be taking part in various lessons throughout the day based on various classic fantasy texts. It should be a really fun day for all involved! Pictures to follow!

Parents evening is coming up on the 16th March and 17th March 2015. Slips went out before half term. Please request a new slip if you do not have one.

Year Three Team!


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