Homework ideas…

Literacy: We have started our new unit in Literacy this week – writing persuasive texts.  So far this week, we have looked at some TV adverts and considered how they are persuasive. We have also compared TV adverts to poster adverts and discussed the differences between the two and how effective each is.  The children could have a look at different adverts on the TV and think about who the audience is? How are they being persuasive? What language is used to persuade you?

Maths: This week we have been looking at subtraction in Maths.  The children may want to practise their learning from this week over the weekend. 

Spellings: Continue to look at turning adjectives into adverbs – the ly ending!

Topic: Collages, Rainforest facts, musical instruments, Rainforest stories…the list is endless! We have been so impressed with the home learning over this term so far.  The children could explore the issue of deforestation this week and begin to think about how they might help raise the profile of the disappearing rainforest.

Year Three team

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