Homework…Are you stuck for ideas?

Literacy: This week we have been learning about including new and exciting vocabulary in our sentences.  The children have learnt a new ‘type’ of sentences to use at home – the 2A sentence (2 adjective sentence). Each sentence has 2 adjectives before the first noun and then 2 adjectives before the second noun.  This type of sentence creates a vivid image in the readers minds!

Examples:  The tall, awkward giraffe meandered through the dense, fragrant forest.

There was a grumpy, motionless monkey hiding in the overgrown, mossy tree.

Maths: Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. The children have been using place value grids to move the places of the digits when multilpying and dividing.  Avoid language such as ‘adding or taking away a zero’ as this will cause confusion later on in their mathematical learning with decimals.

RE: We have talked this week about the differences between ‘hearing’ and ‘listening’.  How do we know we are listening to God?

Online – abacus, Mymaths and bugclub

It is not expected for children to do all of these activities by Friday; just some helpful pointers if required 🙂


Year 3 Team


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