Welcome back Year Three

Welcome back to all of our Year Three’s! We hope you have all had a fun filled and relaxing half term. We are all ready to go with an exciting new topic this term, called fireflies! It is a science based topic focusing on light, we will be learning about how we see things, shadows and reflections. The new homework pyramid focusing on our new topic will be handed out this week.

This Friday, the 7th November 2014,  Year Three and Year Six will be holding  a Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Waterlooville. It will start at 10:45 and we would love for you all to be there. If there are any parents that would be able to help us walk the children down to the church we would be extremely grateful! We will be leaving school around 9:30 and aim to be back at school by 12:00, if you would like to help us walk down to the church please write a note in your childs diary so we can confirm numbers, thank you!

Exciting news: Next week starting from Wednesday 12th November to Friday the 14th November Year Three will be taking part in scooter training, we will be sending out more information on this, this week.

Hope to see you all on Friday


Miss Shaw and Miss Turner

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