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Remembrance at St. Peter’s

On Friday we had a beautiful and moving Remembrance service led by our children. Children from all year groups joined us. It was lovely to have the Reception children with us for their first whole school event.

Children from Year 5 wrote and shared monologues written as if they had been soldiers, or family members of soldiers in the war.

Year 6 children created and shared some very thoughtful and mature poems.

Staff commented how beautiful the service was, how well behaved the children were and how it moved some to tears.

Mrs. Knight and Amy from Year 6 played the Last Post and inspired other children to set up a music club. Our two minutes silence was just that. 437 children aged 4 to 11 reflecting on the loss of lives in the war. Children from each year group held candles around a central prayer area where classes contributed poppies, prayers and wreaths.

A very proud day for all the staff at St. Peter’s.

Here are the photos of the display we created with some of the work the children produced for the service.

poppy-1 poppy-2 poppy-3 poppy-4

In other news; Year 5 and 6 children have their first Mass at The Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Peter the Apostle on Tuesday 22nd November. Families and friends of the Year 5 and 6 children are warmly invited to join us at 10.45. Children will be arriving at 10.15 where they will be greeted by Father Kevin who will spend half an hour with the children preparing them for Mass and familiarising them further with the Church. This week in class children will be preparing the Mass which they would like to dedicate to their friend Maisie who is in hospital and to the people of New Zealand.

We have started to organise our Advent service which will also be held at the Church on the 6th December. We would like to invite parents to walk with us as we need lots of helpers to keep our children safe. In the evening of the same day we will have a carol service also at the Church for Key Stage 2 parents and their families and friends. Perfect timing as it is the Feast of St. Nicholas. More information to follow!

Thank you for visiting!

Sarah Luter

32nd Week in Ordinary Time

Hello to all our families and friends,

It has been a particularly busy week for the Reception children this week who have had their first whole year group worship with families and friends and of course Father Vitalis. They were finding out all about Simon Peter in class and then based their worship around him. Thank you to Father who helped the children and their families to pray together. Father Vitalis then enjoyed a tour around school meeting old staff and new!


father-library father-year-1

Reception children also visited the chapel at Oaklands this week looking at all the religious signs and symbols that they could find. Many thanks to Mrs. Floyd the chaplain at Oaklands for helping the children to learn and pray. I know the children really enjoyed this special experience and I was told that they were in awe and silent upon entering the chapel. This is quite something for 60 4 year olds!

Home Learning

I would like to mention 3 children who have shown commitment to RE through home learning in the last couple of weeks. Sienna from year 4 came to visit me with her rather beautiful home made Rosary. Well done Sienna!


Kyle, also from year 4 came to show me his Remembrance home learning. Well done Kyle! We will be having our own remembrance service on Friday. Please ask your children all about it.


Brandon form year 6 came to see me early one morning this week with a Remembrance video he had made. I am delighted to say that it will feature in our service! Well done Brandon!

Thank you for visiting!

God bless,

Sarah Luter



Another Busy Week!

We began our last week of this half term learning about Sunday’s Gospel reading. Jesus’s message was that the poor widow never gave up asking the dishonest judge to do the right thing.

Children were surprised to hear that Colonel Sanders’ secret recipe for KFC was initially rejected 1000 times and that Star Wars was at first rejected by Hollywood. Mr Cunningham explained that Jesus wants us to keep on praying to God, even when it seems that we are not getting anywhere.

God will always listen and always care for us, but His answer to our prayers may not be as quick as we would like, or give us what we think we want in life.

Last week children in Year 2 celebrated a liturgy in the school hall with families and friends coming in to join them. Deacon Mark helped the children to understand the importance of looking after God’s Creation. The children acted out the story of Noah’s Ark which helps us to understand how important God’s Creation is to us.


In class Year 6 have been looking at descriptions of Heaven in Revelations and comparing these to their own and other peoples ideas about Heaven. In Reception children have been learning all about how Jesus made friends and how we make friends today.

Following a brisk Autumnal walk Years 3 and 4 had a Mass to celebrate Our Lady at the Church this week. Deacon Mark and Father Kevin helped the children to think about the importance of Our Lady to our Catholic faith.

Have a lovely, restful half term to all our St. Peter’s friends and families!

Sarah Luter


CAFOD ‘Brighten Up For Harvest’.

Please visit to find out all about our CAFOD activities and fundraising.

Thank you again to Patrick and Isobel Flynn.

This Week at St. Peter’s!

In class children are celebrating the Month of Mary and deepening their knowledge of how to pray the Rosary. Each year group is focusing on a different Mystery and thinking about how they can use the Rosary to develop their relationship with Mary and Jesus.

During whole school worship children were invited to consider how a small action can make a big difference. We can recharge our faith by praying, going to church and by doing kind things for other people. We heard about how a small act of kindness by Alistair Brownlee has recharged people’s faith in human kindness across the world.
The staff at St. Peter’s held a MacMillan Coffee Morning last week. Also children have been showing their support for CAFOD through our ‘Wear It Bright’ day. We have had cake sales, penalty shoot outs and art competitions. Blue Phase had a face painting competition won by Isabeau in Starfish Class. Our CAFOD volunteers led an assembly today (Friday) to celebrate Harvest. This gave us an opportunity to learn about how CAFOD is supporting families in Bolivia to feed and support themselves. Many thanks to Patrick and Isobel for joining us!
We look forward to welcoming all our Year 2 families and friends to their liturgy on Tuesday 11th October – next week!
Happy weekends to all our St.Peter’s friends and families.
Sarah Luter

26th Week in Ordinary Time

The 26th week in Ordinary Time at St. Peter’s Primary School began with whole school worship with the Gospel reading from Luke 16 ‘Lazarus and the Rich Man’. Year Five have been thinking about the goodness that God values in us and were able to make suggestions about the meaning of this parable. They suggested that rather than valuing material possessions God values qualities in us such as being kind, honest, humble, forgiving and gentle.
Year One had their first year group liturgy this week. They were joined by many parents and Fr. Vitalis helped them to understand the story of Creation. It was a beautiful liturgy with all children and adults involved in prayer and making promises to look after God’s Creation.

1 3 4 5 6 2

Many Year groups are learning about other faiths this week. Year 3 are finding out all about the Hindu story of creation. Year 2 are learning about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and what a Sukkah is used for and what it represents.

Please visit soon. We have our Harvest celebration coming up. CAFOD volunteers will be coming in to lead worship next Friday (7th October) and the day before we will be raising money for CAFOD through their Wear It Bright campaign. All children are invited to wear bright clothes that day (6th October) and make a donation of £1 or more. Each Year group will be contacting you soon to let you know what they as a year group will be doing in addition to this to raise money for CAFOD. We have money boxes that should be coming home to each family soon; perhaps children could earn a small amount of money by doing ‘jobs’ around the home or for other family members.

God bless,

Sarah Luter


Hello, welcome to our new Religious Education blog where I will let you know what we have been up to in RE lessons and in worship each week.

Last week we celebrated the beginning of the school year with Father Kevin. He joined children from years 1 -6, staff and governors for a Mass in the school hall. At the beginning of each school year we renew our commitment to St. Peter’s and promise to offer all we serve a vision of life inspired by the Gospel of Jesus. We promise to be disciples of Jesus and bring God’s love to our school and our families and friends.

The Mass was a truly wonderful start to the school year. We are always inspired by Father Kevin’s words and look forward to seeing him, and Father Vitalis, regularly throughout the year. Father Vitalis will join Year One next Tuesday (27th September) for worship. Families of Year One children will be warmly welcomed to the liturgy at 10.20 in the school hall.

We begin each school week with a whole school collective worship where we hear the Gospel reading from Sunday. We have heard two parables over the last two weeks; The Lost Sheep and The Parable of The Shrewd Manager. The Lost Sheep teaches us that sometimes we are a little like sheep who stray away from their shepherd. We sometimes stray from God but he is always ready to welcome us back into His loving arms. The Parable of The Shrewd Manager tells us that when money is used honestly and wisely, it can improve our lives and the lives of others, but it does not bring us lasting happiness. Money is unimportant and valueless to God, who measures our wealth according to our goodness and love. Back in class children reflect on the message of the Gospel in daily class worship.

During RE lessons all of the children in all year groups are learning about God’s creation. Children in Year 5 are learning to compare the bible stories about creation. Year 3 are learning about Godparents and their role in protecting God’s creation. All classes are also producing their own class prayer books to guide prayer time at lunch and at the end of the day.

I hope that you will enjoy reading our blog each week and that it is helpful in keeping you informed about the spiritual life of St. Peter’s Primary School and about the RE curriculum.

God bless,

Mrs. Luter