Author Archive: religiouseducation

5th Sunday of Lent

This week my Year 3 class wrote the St. Peter’s section for the Church newsletter as I had a rare Monday morning away from school. They rather enjoyed the opportunity to ‘talk’ to the parishioners of Sacred Heart and St. Edmunds. Here is their contribution….

“This week Mrs. Osbourne brought in some daffodils to illustrate the Gospel. When plants die more seeds sprout out like Jesus giving out the Holy Spirit when he rose again. Mrs. Osbourne gave each class a copy of the Gospel reading to display on our prayer tables. Jesus says that unless a grain of wheat dies and falls to the ground it will stay just as one grain. If it goes into the ground it will produce many grains of wheat. Jesus died to save us all. By dying something amazing happened for us.”

In other news Key Stage 2 had their Penitential Service this week in school with Father Jeremy. It was a wonderful way to prepare ourselves ready for Easter. Year R also had their Year group liturgy on Tuesday. Once again it was lovely to see so many friends and family.

Year 5 met with our Bishop on Thursday. They have been involved in the Portsmouth Diocese Caritas Schools Dragons’ Den project. For weeks Year 5 have been asking staff and children what they would like as part of a prayer garden that they would like to create in the central court yard at school. Designs were created and submitted using PowerPoints to persuade their teachers. Mrs Turner then chose some children in Year 5 to represent the school. They travelled to Basingstoke yesterday to present their design ideas. They were an absolute credit to themselves, their teachers and the whole of St. Peter’s School. When Bishop Philip asked the children how the design reflected St. Peter himself Cecilia answered “well we would like to use rocks as part of our design because St. Peter is the rock of our church”.


We are exceptionally proud to announce that the children secured £400 towards our prayer garden! We are very excited to have a new prayer garden which we will use as part of our daily prayer. Particular congratulations go to our pupil representatives….













This afternoon I was able to visit every class whilst RE was being taught. It was so lovely to see how engaged every child in the school was in their learning. Children were applying so much of their recent learning to their own lives. Children were writing their own prayers and reflecting on their behaviour and actions during Lent with particular focus on the very difficult queston ‘is it always easy to forgive?’

Next week is Holy Week … please visit next Thursday to see some photos of our Stations of the Cross pilgimmages.

Best wishes,


Sarah Luter



4th Week of Lent

Whole school worship had a very simple message this week; God loves each and every one of us. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to save us. This week in St. Peter’s we will be making an extra effort to show those around us how much we love them. We have turned our thoughts to people that we don’t always find easy to get on with.  God loves that person and so we too can show love and kindness to them. Even if that love comes through as a simple smile.

Year 2 had their year group liturgy this week where they reflected upon their journey through Lent and the difficulties that Jesus was faced with. It was lovely to see so many friends and family once again. Thank you for joining us Father Jeremy.


We continue to see that tempting box of Roses chocolates on our school prayer table. By leaving them alone we are showing how much we love our brothers and sisters around the world as each chocolate is worth £2 to CAFOD.

Hopefully your child or children are busy collecting the Gospel readings for their Lenten passports – we look forward to sharing this in the last week of term along with the winners of the Real Egg Palm Sunday competition.


Have a great week!

Mrs. Luter

1st Sunday of Lent

Mr. Cunningham led our first whole school worship of Lent on Monday. He told the children about the time that Jesus spent in the desert. He was tempted to test God’s love but Jesus did not listen. Mr. Cunningham explained that we need to be like Jesus during Lent and resist temptations. On our school prayer table this Lent is a box of 30 chocolate Roses and £30. If the 30 Roses are still there at the end of Lent the £30 will go to CAFOD. Each chocolate is worth £1. Will there be 30 left?


In class each prayer table has a bag of  beans. This is to remind us that some people in the world do not have the same amount of food as us. Do we need a chocolate from the Roses box as much as people less fortunate than us need the £30 to help them to grow their own crops?

In class time all children have been thinking about how they can fast, give and pray this Lent. If you would like to read about some of their ideas there are some examples on the front entrance display board.


We also had a CAFOD assembly today to launch our fundraising activities that will take place during Lent. The campaign is simply ‘Give It Up’ this year and more information can be found on the CAFOD website. The children will be bringing home a little collection box soon. It would be great if children could make a small contribution – perhaps earning some pennies to do some jobs around your home or for their grandparents.

Give it up this Lent!

Year 1 had their year group liturgy this week it was lovely to see so many parents! Thank you Father Jeremy for celebrating with us once again!


Have a restful weekend and a great start to the second week of Lent.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Luter

5th Week of Ordinary Time

Mrs. Edge led whole school worship this week. The message was perfectly simple. Jesus helped people and so should we. We thought about the impact that helping and being kind can have on people around us. So this week we will be focussing on what we can do to show kindness to each other at St. Peter’s.

Years 3 and 4 will be thinking about Lent ahead of time this week so that they can prepare a display for the school. As Ash Wednesday is during half term this year, Years 3 and 4 will be gathering ideas about how they can pray, fast and give this Lent. We will look forward to sharing this with the rest of the school when they return from the half term break.

We have a new Lenten challenge this year which children will be bringing home with them tomorrow. You can view the passport here…..

Lenten passport

Have a wonderful half term holiday. Hopefully the temperatures will have risen a little by the time we return to school!

Best wishes,

Sarah Luter

4th Week in Ordinary Time

 In the Gospel reading this week we hear about Jesus being an amazing teacher. What does He teach us? Well he is the greatest ever teacher of love! We thought about what makes an amazing teacher and how they inspire us. Being supportive, kind, patient and encouraging were some of the qualities that we thought were important and so true of the teachers at our school and of course true of Jesus.
Each class, in response to Monday’s whole school worship, every child has thought about what they can do to be a teacher of Love. They have shared their responses for our class RE books.
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Year 5 and 6 shared a Mass with Father Gerard on Tuesday. Thank you so much for attending Father when Father Jeremy was unable to. It was a very special Mass with many family members attending.
Have a good week,
Sarah Luter

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

How do we follow Jesus in our daily lives? This question was the focus of our whole school worship on Monday. Jesus asks us to ‘follow’ Him but unlike Simon, Andrew, James and John in the Gospel reading we cannot see Jesus and go with Him as he travels round the country! So what does Jesus want us to do? Following worship we will be helping the children to reflect on various bible stories and find the message within them about how we can follow Jesus.

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All classes have begun a unit in the RE curriculum called Revelations. This is all about how God is revealed to us in our daily lives and to those in the bible. How do we become closer to God? Year 3 are learning about how Samuel responded to God’s call but also thinking about how we can respond to God. We looked back at our learning about creation to help us with this.

Image result for samuel responds to Gods call


Who are the characters in this painting? What are they talking about?

Best wishes for the week,

Mrs. Luter





Year 3 and 4 Mass

Today Year 3 and 4 gathered today for a Mass celebrating our families. The Mass was dedicated to Lenny and Stanley’s sister Robyn who sadly passed away at the beginning of this new year. We pray for Robyn and her family. Thank you for joining us Lenny (Year 6).


It was lovely to welcome so many families. Some children enjoyed a cuddle with their older siblings!


Standing for the Our Father.


Bidding Prayers.


Father Jeremy reads the Gospel.


Listening to the Homily.


Thank you everyone for joining us it was a lovely service. Thank you Father Jeremy.

33rd Week in Ordinary Time

This week’s Gospel reading was relevant to everything we do here at St.Peter’s. Our mission statement even reflects the Parable of the Talents as we are reminded ‘to do the best with the gifts He gave us to make the world a better place’. We use and follow our mission statement daily in all we do remembering how God asks use to use our talents to the best of our abilities as Jesus taught us. Every week in our ‘Golden Leaf’ assembly one child from every class is rewarded for following our mission statement. They then get to take the class prayer bag home.
Elsewhere in school we are preparing for our annual Advent service which will be held at Sacred Heart on 5th December. The whole school will walk to church. If you would like to walk with us to and from church we would be very grateful. Unfortunately we can not invite all parents to the service due to space but please visit our blog to see some photos. Years 5 and 6 had their mass at church on Tuesday learning all about the presentation of Mary and the importance of prayer.
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Have a peaceful weekend,
Sarah Luter


On Monday we had our yearly Remembrance service. It was a truly moving occasion. Children from Year 5 wrote monologues and Year 6 contributed some poetry. Every Year group created an offering for our prayer table which was placed at the centre of the hall with all 437 children sat around it to use as a focal point during the service and our two minute silence. The children were beautifully behaved and reflective throughout. The singing, with all credit to Miss Hill who leads our weekly songtime, was stunning.
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31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

We are a week ahead of ourselves here at St.Peter’s in preparation for our worship next Monday which will be our yearly Remembrance Service. So we have been thinking about how we should be prepared for other events in our lives including those that we take part in daily. Mr. Crozier had unfortunately left some of his things behind when preparing to go swimming! How should we be as prepared as possible? How can we prepare each and every day for Jesus? How can we be ready for Him? Children rightly suggested that we should walk in his footsteps, we should be kind, loving and patient. Mr. Crozier is looking forward to hearing the children’s reflections during worship on Friday.
One of the ways we prepare for Jesus is by taking His lead in difficult decisions in our lives. We continue, in lessons, to reflect on our feelings that surround forgiveness. How can we be good Christians and follow Jesus’s lead? Children across the school also continue to learn Catholic prayers and their meaning – for example the prayer of Eternal Rest.
As a staff we spent some time looking at the wonderful learning journeys in our RE books. Below are some photos of Reception’s class book. We think that you will agree they are beautiful. The children have been thinking about Mary and their own mothers. This week they visited the chapel at Oaklands to find out all about the signs and symbols that we see there.
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Have a happy weekend,
Sarah Luter