I hope that you are all well and staying safe.
What a strange time we have found ourselves in – one thing that has become very clear, however, is the strength of our school community and the way in which it has continued to thrive regardless of the restrictions presented by UK lock down during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each day, we have been fortunate enough to open our school doors and welcome students – albeit a much smaller group size! – to join together for the calm of Whole School worship and excitement of classroom learning. In addition, we are incredibly proud of the community spirit that has been demonstrated by our staff and pupils. For instance, the teachers of St. Peter’s have worked together to create a series of food bank collections to support those in the wider community at this difficult time. Furthermore, our staff have very gratefully received kind messages of gratitude from parents and their children, for the commitment that has been demonstrated towards securing the delivery of a rich, engaging and varied curriculum for all of the students at St. Peter’s Catholic Primary school.
Of course, despite many of our families responsibly following government guidelines to stay at home, this has not hindered the connection between school and home. For example, teachers have successfully been able to make regular phone calls home to children to ensure that they remain aware of always being the key foundation to our Catholic community. It has been lovely to hear how the children have been celebrating Easter at home with their families recently and remaining in contact with their peers through online applications including WhatsApp, FaceTime and Skype. In addition, class emails have been set up to enable the children to share work completed from home that they are proud of. Take a look at these wonderful Year Four examples of an Easter Egg design that includes symbols for New Life (left), and a mosaic card that celebrates the love Jesus has for everyone in our world (right)…
Undoubtedly, learning for Religious Education has been delivered through alternative means during the current crisis. For instance, students from all year groups have been given access to a selection of RE tasks through posts on the class blogs that include activities for Holy Week, Easter and Other Faiths (as part of our work on diversity fortnight, which was scheduled – prior to the outbreak – to take place recently). It has also been wonderful to see the children equally engaged in their ART RE home learning, which has been set by Mrs Pearson. Take a look at the examples of an Easter stained glass window, a Gurdwara model, a station of the cross, as well as a calm prayer station for daily reflection…
Please do keep an eye on class blogs over the next few weeks, as more home learning tasks for Religious Education shall be set for Pentecost. Also, I would like to remind you all that Ten Ten school worships are available to you through a link to Daily Prayers, on the Headteacher’s school blog.
Finally, I would like to end this month’s RE blog post with the following prayer from CAFOD…
Almighty and merciful Father, who shows love to all of Your creation,
We come before You asking for support as we work to control the Coronavirus currently ravaging our world.
Hear graciously the prayers we make for those affected by the virus in various parts of the world.
Grant healing to the sick, eternal life to those who have passed away and consolation to all bereaved families.
We pray that an effective medicine to combat the sickness may soon be found.
We pray for the governments and health authorities, that they take appropriate steps for the good of all people.
Look upon us in Your mercy and forgive us our failings.
With very best wishes to you all,
Miss Honeywell