The Revelation of Christ


I hope that you have all been having a relaxing and enjoyable half term break.

As part of their RE Curriculum learning during the Spring Term, our students began to learn about the Revelation of Christ through the miracles that He performed to help others. Through these miracles and the work of Jesus, Christians believe that God had revealed His presence to those on Earth. Our children have celebrated this message through their study and exploration of key Bible stories including the Transfiguration and Baptism of Jesus, amongst other Luminous Mysteries. Another way in which this theme was celebrated was through our Year 3 and 4 Mass which took place onĀ  Tuesday 28th January 2020. This service was led by Father Jeremy and Father Agber, and was a wonderful opportunity for our school community to join together in prayer and worship. We would like to send many thanks to all parents and parishioners who were able to attend our Mass, as well as to S. Keogh (Oaklands Catholic School Chaplain) and St. Peter’s staff for their hard work when preparing and resourcing the service.

Last half term, lots of exciting school events took place at St. Peters. For example, the Year R liturgy on Tuesday 21st January 2020 was well attended by family members and the children behaved beautifully and were fantastic role models and representatives of our school. Another key update from last term includes the introduction of S. Keogh’s pupil chaplain team at St. Peter’s Catholic school – the GIFT team (Growing In Faith Together) shall encourage the development of student voice, responsibility and involvement with regards to the Catholic life of our school and the events and celebrations that take place in our school community throughout the Liturgical Year. Next term, we look forward to celebrating our ‘Lenten Day of reflection’ on 31st March 2020. We are proud to announce that our pupil GIFT team shall play a large role in the organisation and delivery of this special day. Another school event which our team shall participate and collaborate on includes the St. Peter and St. Paul feast day Mass – this will take place on Tuesday 30th June 2020.

Upon our return to school on Monday 24th February 2020, we look forward to beginning our learning for Lent as we start preparations as a community that enable us to reflect on our faith, pray to Jesus and give to others who are less fortunate than ourselves as we continue following in God’s footsteps to make our world a better place. In particular, on Wednesday 26th February 2020, Years 2-6 shall join together for an Ash Wednesday service to begin our Lenten preparations at St. Peter’s.

May I leave you all with a prayer for strength, hope and guidance as we begin our spiritual journeys through Lent. As part of our participation across The Year of the God Who Speaks, we continuously reflect upon our deepening relationship with God through the scriptures we study and commandments we live by as God’s stewards…

Living God,

you walk alongside us and

speak to us throughout the Scriptures.

Your Son, Jesus Christ,

listens to our hopes and fears

and shows us how to live for one another.

Send us the Holy Spirit

to open our hearts and minds

so that we may be your witnesses

throughout the world.



This is the Official Prayer for the Year of the God who speaks:


With very best wishes to you all,

Miss Honeywell



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