11th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Gospel reading about the mustard seed is definitely one of our favourites at St. Peter’s. The meaning is simple yet powerful. How can we turn something small into something big? How can a simple smile impact someone’s day and then those that that person comes into contact with? How can a small amount of practise at a sport, musical instrument add to something amazing? A tiny amount of faith really can turn into something incredible!

Image result for the mustard seed

In curriculum RE we have started our topic about sacraments. In Year 3 we have a particular focus on the Eucharist which helps our children, along with their lessons with their catechists, to help prepare them for their very fist Holy Communion. Good luck to all the children who will be enjoying their First Holy Communion this weekend.

Year 2 are focussing on the sacrament of matrimony – adding to Miss Allen’s excitement about her own upcoming wedding.

Year 5 and 6 celebrated Mass together on Tuesday at Sacred Heart. It was a wonderful celebration! Thank you Father Jeremy. Year 6 will soon be planning their leaving Mass with Mr. Cunningham. This is always a very special occasion mixed with a variety of emotions from both parents and children!

Have a lovely summery weekend,

God bless,

Sarah Luter

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