Mrs. Edge led whole school worship this week. The message was perfectly simple. Jesus helped people and so should we. We thought about the impact that helping and being kind can have on people around us. So this week we will be focussing on what we can do to show kindness to each other at St. Peter’s.
Years 3 and 4 will be thinking about Lent ahead of time this week so that they can prepare a display for the school. As Ash Wednesday is during half term this year, Years 3 and 4 will be gathering ideas about how they can pray, fast and give this Lent. We will look forward to sharing this with the rest of the school when they return from the half term break.
We have a new Lenten challenge this year which children will be bringing home with them tomorrow. You can view the passport here…..
Have a wonderful half term holiday. Hopefully the temperatures will have risen a little by the time we return to school!
Best wishes,
Sarah Luter