New Year learning at St. Peter’s!

Happy New Year to everyone from all the children and staff at St.Peter’s! This Spring Term began with a whole school worship on our first day back after our Christmas break. We turned our thoughts to Mary and the emotions that she must have been feeling after the birth of her beloved son. The children reflected prayerfully on the birth of Jesus from Mary’s perspective and began to think about the events that surrounded their own births as Mr. Cunningham shared the circumstances under which his own mother was faced during his early days.
In worship this week we are learning about the Epiphany and what this story further teaches us about Jesus as a ‘king’. We have thought about the gifts that Jesus brings to us as well as the gifts we bring to Him. Children have continued to develop their understanding of the gifts that they can give to Jesus. The responses by Year 1 children during worship were beautifully reflective. They knew that he would not need an iPad or scooter but that the greatest gifts they can give Him are love, faith, kindness and friendship.
We have begun our learning about Revelations this week. How does God reveal His power and love to us? Year 2 enjoyed learning about the parable of The Prodigal Son. They were able to say that this story teaches us that God’s love is never ending and that He forgives us when we have made mistakes. Year 1 have heard about the miracle; Feeding of the Five Thousand and how this shows the power of God’s love for His people. Year 6 have been learning about St. Paul’s conversion. If God forgave Saul for the terrible things that he had done what does this tell us about Him? What impact does this have on our feelings about ourselves and of God?
Again, A Happy New Year to you all and we look forward to welcoming you to our masses and liturgies this term!
Kind regards,
Sarah Luter

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