Remembrance at St. Peter’s

On Friday we had a beautiful and moving Remembrance service led by our children. Children from all year groups joined us. It was lovely to have the Reception children with us for their first whole school event.

Children from Year 5 wrote and shared monologues written as if they had been soldiers, or family members of soldiers in the war.

Year 6 children created and shared some very thoughtful and mature poems.

Staff commented how beautiful the service was, how well behaved the children were and how it moved some to tears.

Mrs. Knight and Amy from Year 6 played the Last Post and inspired other children to set up a music club. Our two minutes silence was just that. 437 children aged 4 to 11 reflecting on the loss of lives in the war. Children from each year group held candles around a central prayer area where classes contributed poppies, prayers and wreaths.

A very proud day for all the staff at St. Peter’s.

Here are the photos of the display we created with some of the work the childrenĀ produced for the service.

poppy-1 poppy-2 poppy-3 poppy-4

In other news; Year 5 and 6 children have their first Mass at The Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Peter the Apostle on Tuesday 22nd November. Families and friends of the Year 5 and 6 children are warmly invited to join us at 10.45. Children will be arriving at 10.15 where they will be greeted by Father Kevin who will spend half an hour with the children preparing them for Mass and familiarising them further with the Church. This week in class children will be preparing the Mass which they would like to dedicate to their friend Maisie who is in hospital and to the people of New Zealand.

We have started to organise our Advent service which will also be held at the Church on the 6th December. We would like to invite parents to walk with us as we need lots of helpers to keep our children safe. In the evening of the same day we will have a carol service also at the Church for Key Stage 2 parents and their families and friends. Perfect timing as it is the Feast of St. Nicholas. More information to follow!

Thank you for visiting!

Sarah Luter

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