Hello everyone,
I hope that you are all well and that you are beginning to feel in the festive spirit as we prepare for the countdown to Christmas!
This term, the children have taken part in many opportunities to develop their spirituality and relationship with God – this has taken place through Liturgies, the celebration of Mass, as well as through the delivery of pupil worships and year group visits to Oaklands chapel.
Autumn Term 2023
- 19.09.23 – Y1-6 School Mass
- 26.09.23 – Y1 Liturgy
- 10.10.23 – Y3-4 Mass at Sacred Heart Church
- 17.10.23 – Y2 Liturgy
- 01.11.23 – KS2 All Saints Feast Day Liturgy
- 07.11.23 – Y5-6 Mass at Sacred Heart Church
- 28.11.23 – Y1-6 Advent Service
Year 4 enjoyed spending time with Mrs Semple, the Oaklands chaplain, as we gathered together to praise Jesus, Christ the King, who is present within the lives and spirits of all around us. We listened carefully to the Gospel message, that by helping those in the most need, we are also supporting Jesus too. The children enjoyed creating an Art piece with their painted thumb prints, which we collected together – we now enjoy this visual reminder that Christ is with us in all we do, think and say, each time we pass through the doors of the Y4/5 shared area (green phase). Please see the images below…
We have also had lots of opportunities in school, to reflect and give praise to those who help us follow in God’s footsteps. For instance, we enjoyed our KS2 All Saints Feast Day Liturgy, which enabled the St. Peter’s community to pray for those who are in Heaven and watch over us. Please see the image below…
This morning, we prepared our hearts for the presence of the Lord, beginning our preparations through our Y1-6 Advent Service at Sacred Heart Church. We would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Semple for all of her support in the preparation of our service, and to all of the pupils who took part in acting, reading and singing. We are extremely grateful to all of our parents and carers who were able to walk with us to and from the church. During the service, our Y5 and Y6 pupil chaplains (GIFT team) received a blessing from Father Jeremy, as well as a ‘TSP’ (Thanks, Sorry and Please) prayer teaspoon, from Father James. This was given to our GIFT team, to support them in serving our community and supporting the prayer life of our school. Please see the photos below…
We also look forward to celebrating the following together…
Upcoming events and Worship
- 05.12.23 – Y2 Advent and Christmas Liturgies
- 06.12.23 – Y1 Nativity Play
- 07.12.23 – EYFS Nativity Play
- 12.12.23 – St. Peter’s Carol Service at Sacred Heart Church
- 15.12.23 – Christmas Liturgy at St. Peter’s school
In the spirit of Advent, St. Peter’s have worked very hard as a school community to create gift boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse campaign, Operation Christmas child. We were delighted to see so many children and families take part and we would like to say a huge well done to everyone for their kindness and generosity – it is very special to know that we can make Christmas a brighter and more joyful time for those in need or those who are experiencing difficulties. This has linked very well to our Catholic Social Teaching unit for Religious Education, enabling the children to demonstrate their faith in action as they work together to ‘make out world a better place’. Please see the photos below…
I hope that you have a wonderful few weeks in the lead up to Christmas and that you enjoy moments of peace and reflection during this very busy time of year as we count down the Sundays to Christmas on our Advent Wreaths! I shall leave you all with a final prayer…
Dear Lord,
We pray for world leaders: that they may serve their people honestly, making decisions for the good of all.
Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for our brothers and sisters throughout the world: that together with them, we may build a better world, free from poverty and filled with love.
Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for our parish, family and friends: that we may love God with all our hearts and be inspired to reach out in love to others.
Lord, in your mercy…
With very best wishes to you all,
Enjoy the festive season!
Miss Honeywell