Hello everyone,
Welcome back to a fresh school year at St. Peter’s Catholic Primary! It has been wonderful to see the children excited to begin their learning and join their friends, with lots of busy learning and activities taking place across the Key Stages as we settle back into school life. At the start of the Autumn Term, we celebrated a Whole School Mass with Father James on Tuesday 20th September 2022. It was wonderful to welcome Father James to our school community and to have an opportunity with Miss Heath (Oaklands School Chaplain) to gather together and celebrate new applicants for our pupil GIFT team (Growing In Faith Together). These year five and six children made a promise to serve their school and agreed to the terms for becoming a pupil chaplain. Please see the photos below…
This term, we shall continue to support the children to develop their spirituality as well as their academic progress in Religious Education. Across September, the children have been learning about the Creation story from Genesis and exploring how the world was made by God. They have also considered what it means to be the People of God and how we can behave in His likeness, as expressed by St. Paul and in the Beatitudes. We have also started to consider what it means to be a disciple and how we may demonstrate stewardship and discipleship in our own daily lives. Next term, we look forward to exploring our new unit on Catholic Social Teaching, investigating various charities and the Oscar Romero values in further depth. Please see the images below for examples of the children’s learning.
As part of the Catholic life of our school, there have been lots of events that have taken place as part of our celebration of Christ. I would like to thank all of parents and friends of the school who have attended these events and volunteered on walks to the Church, as well as to Miss Heath (Oaklands School Chaplain), our staff and pupils for all of their hard work and preparation towards the following events across the Autumn Term:
- Tuesday 20th September 2022 – Year 1 to 6 Whole School Mass
- Tuesday 27th September 2022 – Year 1 Liturgy at St. Peter’s
- Sunday 2nd October – School uniform Mass at Sacred Heart Church
- Tuesday 11th October – Year 3 and 4 Mass at Sacred Heart Church
- Tuesday 18th October Year 2 Liturgy
I would like to end today’s blog post with the following prayer:
We know that everything is possible with faith and God’s help, and so we pray together:
We pray for world leaders: that they may see that real change is possible and act to make the world a fairer place for everyone to live.
Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for all people throughout the world who do not have enough food or water: that they may have hope, faith and the support that they need, as they work to change their lives for the better.
Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for our parish, family and friends: that we may have the faith and courage to try to make a real difference to our world so that it becomes a fairer place for all.
Lord, in your mercy…
God of life, give us the courage to try to make a change to our world, no matter how small, and the faith to know that with you all things are possible.
I wish you all a peaceful and relaxing weekend,
With very best wishes,
Miss Honeywell