Merry Christmas!
Hello everyone,
I hope that you are all well and keeping safe. On behalf of St. Peter’s Catholic primary school, I would like to wish everyone in our community a wonderful Christmas along with our very best wishes for the new year. I hope that the festive season is an enjoyable, fun, relaxing and safe time for all families and friends across our school as well as our global community.
This term has been very busy and productive, with lots of preparations taking place throughout the season of Advent. The children have thought carefully about how they can prepare their hearts, souls and minds for the birth of Jesus, our Saviour. We have been extremely fortunate to have had lots of support from our staff, parish, parents, governors and friends asociation this term, as we edge closer towards Christmas. Please see the list below for all of the fantastic celebrations and (Covid-safe) gatherings that have taken place in each year group and key stage, none of which would have been possible without the time and effort of Oaklands lay chapplain, Miss Heath, our parish priest, father Jeremy, and volunteers throughout our school community.
Advent and Christmas services:
Tuesday 30th November KS2 Advent Service at Sacred Heart
Tuesday 7th December, Year 2 Christmas Liturgy 10:00am and 1:30pm
Wednesday 8th December, Year 1 Nativity 1:30pm
Thursday 9th December, Year 1 Nativity 9:30am
Tuesday 14th December, St Peter’s Carol Service at Church, 6:30pm
Thursday 16th December, school Christmas Liturgy – details to be arranged.
Friday 10th December, Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 10th December, Year 3 & 4 Friends of St Peter’s Party
Friday 10th December, Year 5 & 6 Friends of St Peter’s Party
Saturday 11th December, Years R, 1 & 2 Friends of St Peter’s ‘Meet Santa’
Monday 13th December, EYFS and Key Stage 1 Christmas Lunch
Tuesday 14th December, Key Stage 2 Christmas Lunch
Wednesday 15th December, Panto performances
As part of our RE curriclum and worship, we would like to say a big congratulations and thank you to all of the children in Years 4 and 5 who have been working hard to prepare class and year group worships. The GIFT team created some excellent prayers and responses for our Advent Services at Sacred Heart church, whilst the Y5 pupils have collaborated with Y4 children to train and coach them in preparing classroom worships using Microsoft PowerPoint. Our students are very enthusiastic and love to partake in this special role, using the key structure of worship to support them: Gather, Listen, Reflect and Mission. Well done everybody!
We would like to thank everyone who joined the Carol Service at Sacred Heart Church on the evening of Tuesday 14th December 2021. It was wonderful to see a wide variety of performances, including drama and role play as well as group carol songs by our guitarists and recorder group. We really enjoyed celebrating all of the gifts and talents of the children at St. Peter’s, as we gathered together to worship Jesus and prepare for His birth. Once again, I would like to thank all parents, parish members, Miss Heath (Oaklands lay chapplain), St. Peter’s staff and music teachers, as well as all of the children who took part in the service.
As we all know, Christmas is a time for giving and for putting the needs of those less fortunate than us before our own. This Christmas, the children and families of St. Peter’s have given very generously to a variety of charities in order to support our local community, through the Love Christmas project. I would like to thank everyone who donated to support this project, we were absolutely delighted by the kindness and generosity shown! Please see the list below for how each year group took part and contributed…
Reception and Year 1 – Movie Night
Year 2 & Year 3 – Games Night
Year 4 & Year 5 – Pamper Packages
Year 6 & School Staff – Afternoon Tea boxes
I would like to end this term’s blog post with a final prayer:
We pray for all parents around the world: that they may be able to give their children a safe and loving home and encourage them to fulfil their dreams.
Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for all babies and children throughout the world: that they may live happy and healthy lives and have hope for a future free from poverty.
Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for our parish, family and friends: that we may be inspired to share God’s love with all people, no matter where they are in the world.
Lord, in your mercy…
I hope that you all enjoy the festive season and have a wonderful new year,
With very best wishes,
God bless,
Miss Honeywell