Summer Term updates!

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope that you are all well and keeping safe.

It has been a very busy term at St. Peter’s in terms of our religious curriculum as well as the Catholic life of our school! In our RE lessons, we have been focusing on the apostelship of St. Peter and St. Paul and we celebrated the feast day of St. Peter on Tuesday 29th June 2021. In Year 4, we celebrated Mass together in the unity building with Father Jeremy and the children made an offetory to celebrate the life, work and qualities of St. Peter, who was called ‘the rock on which the Church was built’ within the Bible. For many children, this was a very special occasion as it was also their first opportunity to parcitipate in the Eucharist and receive their Communion. Please see the images below…



















We would like to say a big thank you to Father Jeremy, Mrs Farrell (Oaklands School Chaplain) and our teaching staff for all of the hard work and organisation that has gone, and will go, into the following preparations this term:

  • Tuesday 4th May: Year R Liturgy
  • Tuesday 25th May: Year 1 Liturgy
  • Tuesday 22nd June: Year 2 Liturgy
  • Tuesday 29th June: Year 4 Feast Day Mass
  • Year 5 Mass on school site
  • Tuesday 20th July: Year 6 Leaver’s Mass

We also have an exciting update for you all. Following our achievement of the ‘participator level’ for the Oscar Romero award, we are now able to confirm our recent pursuit of stage 2, ‘the developer level’, of this excellent school award. As a Catholic school, we continue to serve our local and school community in as many ways as possible, by following our Mission Statement and ‘using the gifts God gave us to make our world a better place’. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the leader of our GIFT team (Growing In Faith Together), Mrs Moore, who has also worked very hard with our pupil chaplains at St. Peter’s in order to organise and prepare school events including worships, Mass and liturgies.

Over the next few weeks, the children shall be exploring the final unit of their God Matters learning: The Sacraments. Thank you to children in particular year groups who have brought in items from their Holy Baptism (e.g. Baptismal candle), First Communion (rosary), etc, to share with their classes during RE lessons. Please do encourage your child to bring a copy of a photograph from any of the following Sacraments that may have been celebrated within your family: Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, etc. The children have really enjoyed sharing these experiences with one another.

I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of the school year. I would like to leave you all with a short prayer:


We pray for the Church throughout the world: that it may encourage all people to come together in peace and unity, to share and to stand up for what is right. Lord, in your mercy…

We pray for world leaders: that they may do all that they can to make sure that all people have the medical care and support that they need. Lord, in your mercy…

We pray for our parish, family and friends: that we may be moved to care for those who are unwell and support those who are caring for loved ones. Lord, in your mercy…

Christ Jesus, you healed those who asked for your help.

May we also be willing to reach out our hands to others in need.


With very best wishes,

Miss Honeywell

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