Monthly Archives: May, 2018

Pentecost Sunday

What gifts does the Holy Spirit give us? How can we accept the Holy Spirit in our lives today? This is the focus of our RE lessons and worships in all year groups from Year R to Year 6 this week. Mrs Edge led worship on Monday and talked about how we receive the Holy Spirit and how it transforms our lives. The gift of unity, prayer and peace were a focus. How can we use these gifts to bring Jesus into our lives every day? Some Year 5 children showed me some beautiful reflections today. My own class have been thinking about how Pentecost links to the Eucharist, they have developed a really good understanding of some concepts that are pretty tricky for 7 and 8 year olds. They are definitely ready for their upcoming Holy Communion!

Image result for holy spirit

Have a wonderful and blessed half term,

Mrs. Luter

5th Sunday of Easter

Mr. Crozier had a problem in whole school worship this week – he couldn’t get a lamp to work. As he wanted us to sing ‘This little Light of Mine’, this wasn’t very convenient! But help from a Year 1 child soon came; ‘you need to be connected’. Mr. Crozier realised his mistake and said it was just like this with God. You need to be connected to Him to ‘work’ or to live a full and happy life. He shared the Gospel reading about the Vines and the Branches and continued to explain how the vines and branches need to stay connected to bear fruit. How can you stay connected this week?

All children have been considering how they can stay connected to God this week. Year 5 produced a beautiful reflection for our Spirituality Book. The Spirituality Book travels around the school with a different class responsible for it each week. It is a lovely way of sharing learning and reflections from across the school with all children.



Years 3 and 4 walked to church on Tuesday. Luckily it was a beautiful morning. We were also lucky that our mass fell on the 1st of May so that we could celebrate the beginning of The Month of Mary. Thank you Father Jeremy, parents and parishioners for celebrating with us.

Thank you to the Year R children and staff who produced a lovely display for the season of Easter in the school reception.


Have a wonderful long Bank Holiday weekend! The sun is meant to shine!

God bless,

Sarah Luter