27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The 27th Week of Ordinary Time began in the usual way with whole school worship. It was a rare occasion for me not to be present so I can only recall the message as relayed to me by 5 year olds! They were very clear that it is important that we share the harvest. They told me that God wasn’t very happy with people who did not share. Mr. Cunningham explained that water soup would be rather bland and boring but added to leeks, broccoli and other vegetables a great soup could be created. Sharing the harvest has a great effect!
We turn the focus in our classrooms from creation to prayers, saints and feasts. Who are saints? How do they inspire us? How can we deepen our relationship with God through them and through prayer?
Children in Year 3 were surprised to learn that they already knew the canticle of St. Francis ‘Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace’ as we sing a version of it at school. They found out how much the words of the canticle affect our everyday lives as Catholics.
Year 1 have been thinking about how they pray, where they pray and what helps them to focus their thoughts on Jesus. Next week they will be thinking about how we use the word ‘Alleluia’ to help us praise God.
If any of you are attending parties this weekend talk to your children about the organisation that is required to get ready for a party. Did you receive / give out an invite? Did you need to buy a gift? A new outfit? This will help them to engage in this Monday’s upcoming worship.
Have a great weekend,
Sarah Luter
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today we celebrated CAFOD fast day. Our CAFOD volunteers, Patrick and Isobel, made their final visit to St. Peter’s to lead worship before they move away from the parish. Children and adults supported the CAFOD campaign by dressing as brightly as they could. We certainly did ‘Brighten Up’ for CAFOD. Isobel and Patrick talked to us all about the valuable work that CAFOD do in their mission to help wold wealth to be equally shared. We found out about some families in El Salvador and how £38 pounds would enable them to set up a farm so that they can become self sufficient! £1 is enough to send a child to a club improving their education and keeping them safe. So thank you for all your donations today – they really will make a huge difference.
We wish Isobel and Patrick well for their future and will miss their informative assemblies.
In RE lessons this week children have also been learning about harvest and answering questions about the celebration of harvest. Year 3 will be asking: ‘is it important to celebrate harvest?’. Year 5 will be challenged to answer the question: ‘how do the institutions of harvest and the Eucharist link?’.
Just a reminder Year 2 have their first whole year group liturgy on Tuesday 10th at 10.20. We look forward to welcoming friends and family.
Have a restful weekend,
Sarah Luter