Our first week in year 3!

It was wonderful to welcome the children back to school on Tuesday. It feels like summer is a distant memory already!

The children have begun their learning about the Stone Age and have been archaeologists in maths searching for hundreds, tens and ones ‘stones’. We have already had some Stone Age home learning following the pyramid that was sent home on Tuesday. In English the children have been writing about their holidays concentrating on paragraphs.

As well as the pyramid for home learning please share your child’s new homework diary with them. There is a very valuable section at the front which includes prayers that we say at school. At the back is a section about behaviour.

Soon we will be sending a date for our welcome meeting – please check book bags. We look forward to meeting you all.

Have a restful week, please visit weekly for important Year 3 information!


Best wishes,

Mrs. Luter, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Chapman and Mrs. Wickes

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