25th Week of Ordinary Time
Mr. Crozier led worship this week and the message was very clear – everyone is welcome in God’s kingdom. Jesus loves everyone equally. We heard the reading ‘The Parable of the Worker’ and some children helped demonstrate that initially it seemed that the workers were treated unfairly. A Year 6 girl quickly spotted the meaning behind the parable that Jesus loves us all equally regardless of what stage in our lives we decide to follow Him. This week children will work on putting others first in response to the parable.
During lesson time children have continued to learn about Creation. Many children have heard about Jesus’s baptism and have thought about the similarities and differences between His baptism and a modern day baptism in the Catholic Church. We know that God called Jesus through baptism to continue to protect His creation. This will lead to hearing about how Jesus in turn called His disciples to help Him.
‘This is my beloved Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased’.
Have a happy week,
Kind regards,
Mrs. Luter
24th Week of Ordinary Time
Welcome to this week’s RE blog!
Firstly I have some dates for this term for you;
26th Sept Year 1 liturgy (parents welcome)
6th Oct CAFOD Harvest service (children only)
10th Oct Year 2 liturgy (parents welcome)
13th Nov Year R liturgy (parents welcome)
21st Year 5 and 6 Mass at Church at 10.45
5th Dec Advent service at Church 10.20 (we invite parents to walk to and from Church with us but unfortunately there will be no extra room for parents as this is a whole school event)
13th Dec Carol service in Church KS2 6pm
Worship this week reminded children about forgiveness. Mrs. Knight encouraged children to think about how many times they should forgive each other and how this feels. Children recognised that forgiving is not always easy. During class worship children will continue to reflect on forgiveness and the quote from whole school worship: ‘If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you.’
During RE lessons this week children have begun their learning about creation which is our topic for the next few weeks. In Year 3 children are looking at their responsibility towards God’s creation and thinking about why they were given this responsibility. They are also examining the role of Baptism in new creation and the specific duties of the Godparent. Year 5 have been thinking about how they personally are unique and have a unique place in God’s creation.
Here are some of Year 3’s posters and explanations of how and why they look after God’s creation.
Best wishes for a peaceful week!
Sarah Luter
23rd Week of Ordinary Time
Autumn Term has arrived! It was wonderful to welcome the children back to school last week looking happy and refreshed. We hope you had a great summer with your families. We began the school week with whole school worship led by Mr. Cunningham. He linked the Gospel reading to our new start at school and our mission statement and shared this reflection:
We give you praise, O God, for everything that is new and beautiful, for everything which holds promise and brings us joy. Bless us as we start this new year with our friends and teachers. Help us to make the most of every chance we have to start afresh. May we show love to one another and to all. May the new beginning of this school year remind us that you give us chances to start over again and again. Help us to forgive others as we receive your forgiveness. Help us to learn and to work together. Allow us to achieve our goals in life. Help us to listen when we should and to know te best words when we speak.
Our first Monday whole school worship of this term was very relevant to the children’s learning about their relationships and friendships. In the Gospel reading we heard; ‘where two or three are gathered together I am there’. We began by simply reflecting on Jesus’s presence with us. We then thought about how when we argue and upset each other it is hard to be together and we go away from where Jesus is. Jesus wants us not only to say sorry and forgive but also to explain to those who have hurt us how they have made us feel.
In class all children will be looking in depth at our mission statement analysing what it means and what it looks like in action. Our mission statement is ….“To walk hand in hand with God, loving Him, loving each other and loving ourselves, doing our best with the gifts He gave us to make the world a better place. Year 2 children made posters showing how the mission statement looks in reality in our school.
Year 3 made links between stories in the bible and our mission statement showing why we feel and behave the way we do at St. Peter’s.
I will look forward to updating you each week with all news that is RE related! Next week we have our first whole school mass to look forward to.
God bless,
Sarah Luter
Our first week in year 3!
It was wonderful to welcome the children back to school on Tuesday. It feels like summer is a distant memory already!
The children have begun their learning about the Stone Age and have been archaeologists in maths searching for hundreds, tens and ones ‘stones’. We have already had some Stone Age home learning following the pyramid that was sent home on Tuesday. In English the children have been writing about their holidays concentrating on paragraphs.
As well as the pyramid for home learning please share your child’s new homework diary with them. There is a very valuable section at the front which includes prayers that we say at school. At the back is a section about behaviour.
Soon we will be sending a date for our welcome meeting – please check book bags. We look forward to meeting you all.
Have a restful week, please visit weekly for important Year 3 information!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Luter, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Chapman and Mrs. Wickes