14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’ The message from this weeks Gospel may have had some words that were unknown to many children at the beginning of this weeks whole school worship but the message is easy to understand. Jesus is always there for us. We can share, at any time, our worries and concerns with Him and He will make us feel better. He supports us when things are difficult.

This week Year 6 had their final mass with us. We hope that the parents who joined us had happy memories dating right back to their first whole year group liturgy in reception. We also hope that they enjoyed their cream teas after mass! We have witnessed the children grow spiritually throughout their years here and wish them a happy and fulfilled journey to their next school.

Last week Year 2 had their final liturgy of the year. It was a beautiful celebration which many parents came to share.

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The theme was Pentecost. There was some wonderful acting, thoughtful prayers and reflections and some superb singing. Well done Year 2. Next Year you will have masses in school and at church to help to prepare you for Holy Communion.

Our unit of learning in RE in school at the moment is sacraments. Children are learning about the significance of the sacraments in their own spiritual lives. Children in reception have been learning about their own baptisms and sharing photos. Children in year 6 have been looking at the Rites of Confirmation and comparing them to the Rites of Baptism.

Below are some pictures of the front entrance display created by the reception staff and children.

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Best wishes,

Sarah Luter


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