Pentecost Sunday

During whole school worship on our first day back of the final half of our Summer Term, Mr Cunningham delivered an important message to all staff and children. Following on from Pentecost Sunday we were reminded that the disciples had an important message for the whole world. To deliver the message of God. Of peace. Of love. Whatever the language that we speak, whatever our creed or colour; the message is the same. In light of current events in our country this was a powerful message and children were reassured that we, together as a school community will support each other.

In lessons this week children will have the opportunity to further explore the message that God wants us to spread. Children will be able to add their own ideas to our school prayer tree about how they can spread God’s message in their daily lives.

Year 5 will be looking at how the Holy Spirit works in our lives and in the wider world. Younger children will explore the story of Pentecost thinking about how the disciples may have felt and how they may have reacted if they had been in the room with the disciples.

Children in Year 2 have been examining the Hindu festival of Holi. They compared the similarities and differences to the Christian celebration of Easter. There were many similarities which surprised the children. The main difference involved the throwing of colourful paints at each other which we agreed seemed like great fun. The children especially loved the fact that this Hindu festival is a real family event where all of the family have chance to spend time together.

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We hope that you all had a restful half term. It hardly seems possible that we have arrived at our final half term of 2016-2017.

Kind regards,

Sarah Luter

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