6th Week of Easter at St. Peter’s.

Whole school worship this week gave us the opportunity to consider how Jesus shows love and how we can show love. We reflected upon how we can show love through our actions and through words that we say. By showing love to those around us we are also showing our love to God. In class we have turned our thoughts to how we can live a full life with Jesus; loving ourselves and loving each other were suggestions that many children made.


In lessons this week Year 4 have been analysing different scriptures to find information about what heaven is like. They then drew the picture of heaven that had been created through the scriptures.

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In Year R children have been retelling key elements of the Easter story. They enjoyed making Easter books and colouring Easter pictures adding some key words.

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Have a lovely week! Next week RE news from Year 6, 1 and 2!

Mrs. Luter

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