Lent continues at St. Peter’s
We are having a busy Lent at St. Peter’s. We have been learning all about the importance of prayer, preparing and giving. Years 2 and R have celebrated liturgies with Father Jeremy and of course we had our Ash Wednesday celebration earlier in the month.
As a school we commit to raising money for CAFOD and know that some of you will have seen the children’s work in church.
The children brought in money from home to create scales for a fish. In one year group children ‘paid’ for scales to place on a fish. We had lots of activities across the school on CAFOD Fast Day. Please look at individual class blogs.
Year 5 incorporated their Lenten learning into their art lesson with Mrs. Pearson where they sketched these rather amazing fish (left).
In school we continue to spread Mr. Cunningham’s message that a little makes a big difference.
I would like to mention a Year 5 pupil who I feel particularly proud of this week. She was given £3 pounds by her mum to spend on whatever she wanted in Portsmouth whilst out shopping. She chose to spend her money on food and drink for some homeless people. She told me that one of the men cried. She has also had over 8 inches of her hair cut so that she could donate it to the Little Princess Fund. Well done Ashleigh! We are so proud that we can be involved in helping you to raise such wonderful, thoughtful children.
CAFOD blog
Big fish at St Peter’s Primary Waterlooville
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