Year 6 Interview Father Jeremy!

Year 6’s Interview with Father Jeremy

On the 14th of February, 7 Year 6’s interviewed our new parish priest, Father Jeremy. They questioned him about his life in priesthood and his background. We got some very thorough and in depth questions that were extremely interesting to hear. Here is some of the information that we gathered:

Q1) How long have you been a priest for?

A) I have been a priest for 41 years.

Q2) What is your favourite parable and why?

A) It has to be The Good Samaritan.

Q3) Why did you become a priest?

A) I became a priest because, when I was going to join Medical school, I heard a nagging in my mind from God that I should preach and spread the word as a priest.

Q4) What’s your favourite passage in the Bible?

A) Matthew 25:31-46 (The Last Judgement)

Q5) What school did you study priesthood in?

A) The English Priest School in Rome. I studied for 6 years when I was only planning to study for 6 weeks.

After the interview, the Year 6’s had a deeper understanding of our new priest’s life and background. We hope that he settles in well in our parish and community.

Written by Harriet Laybourne and Claudia Foster


Thank you Year 6! It has been great to get to know a little more about Father Jeremy!

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