St. Peter’s Staff and Children Welcome Father Jeremy

We were delighted today to welcome Father Jeremy to St. Peter’s.

Year 3 and 4 were joined by families and friends to celebrate their Mass with Father Jeremy which was all about families.

Our 2 new altar servers did an amazing job of serving Father Jeremy. It was their first time of serving at St. Peter’s too! Well done Tia and John!

Following Mass, Father visited some of the children’s classes and was met by many questions in Year 1 and by a detailed character analysis in Year 4 who have been studying Neverland. Year 3 shared their favourite books with Father.

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Thank you Father it really was a pleasure to welcome you!

We look forward to seeing you again on the 14th February for our Year 5 and 6 Mass. We hope to see as many friends and families there too.

Mrs. Luter



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