Our Advent Service
Today all children and staff, and some much appreciated helpers, walked up to Sacred Heart for our annual Advent Service. The children’s behaviour was outstanding with the older children holding the hands of a child in a lower year group. It is a long walk for nearly 500 people and think that you can expect some very tired children tonight!
At Church Deacon Mark and Father Kevin helped us to celebrate lots of Advent traditions, customs and stories. We also heard a snippet of Reception and Year One and Two’s Nativity performance. You are in for a treat! The choir sang beautifully as did the rest of the school. Well done to our solo singers and to our flautists.
We also said a sad goodbye to Father Kevin as this will be the last time that we celebrate as a whole school with him. We wish him a happy move to his new parish. He will be greatly missed.
Tonight we have our Carol Service to look forward to. We will see you there.
It really feels like Christmas is just around the corner!
Best wishes,
Sarah Luter