Another Busy Week!

We began our last week of this half term learning about Sunday’s Gospel reading. Jesus’s message was that the poor widow never gave up asking the dishonest judge to do the right thing.

Children were surprised to hear that Colonel Sanders’ secret recipe for KFC was initially rejected 1000 times and that Star Wars was at first rejected by Hollywood. Mr Cunningham explained that Jesus wants us to keep on praying to God, even when it seems that we are not getting anywhere.

God will always listen and always care for us, but His answer to our prayers may not be as quick as we would like, or give us what we think we want in life.

Last week children in Year 2 celebrated a liturgy in the school hall with families and friends coming in to join them. Deacon Mark helped the children to understand the importance of looking after God’s Creation. The children acted out the story of Noah’s Ark which helps us to understand how important God’s Creation is to us.


In class Year 6 have been looking at descriptions of Heaven in Revelations and comparing these to their own and other peoples ideas about Heaven. In Reception children have been learning all about how Jesus made friends and how we make friends today.

Following a brisk Autumnal walk Years 3 and 4 had a Mass to celebrate Our Lady at the Church this week. Deacon Mark and Father Kevin helped the children to think about the importance of Our Lady to our Catholic faith.

Have a lovely, restful half term to all our St. Peter’s friends and families!

Sarah Luter


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