In class children are celebrating the Month of Mary and deepening their knowledge of how to pray the Rosary. Each year group is focusing on a different Mystery and thinking about how they can use the Rosary to develop their relationship with Mary and Jesus.
During whole school worship children were invited to consider how a small action can make a big difference. We can recharge our faith by praying, going to church and by doing kind things for other people. We heard about how a small act of kindness by Alistair Brownlee has recharged people’s faith in human kindness across the world.
The staff at St. Peter’s held a MacMillan Coffee Morning last week. Also children have been showing their support for CAFOD through our ‘Wear It Bright’ day. We have had cake sales, penalty shoot outs and art competitions. Blue Phase had a face painting competition won by Isabeau in Starfish Class. Our CAFOD volunteers led an assembly today (Friday) to celebrate Harvest. This gave us an opportunity to learn about how CAFOD is supporting families in Bolivia to feed and support themselves. Many thanks to Patrick and Isobel for joining us!
- MacMillan Coffee Morning
- Painting Luminous Mysteries
- Jesus’s Baptism and Wedding of Cana
- Our CAFOD Assembly
- Thank you Isobel and Patrick
We look forward to welcoming all our Year 2 families and friends to their liturgy on Tuesday 11th October – next week!
Happy weekends to all our St.Peter’s friends and families.
Sarah Luter